Sam X Reader ~ 10

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Gag reels are the best, man. (Anyone remember?)

Research was the worst. When Dean goes out to do his own "research" at the local bar, that usually means you and Sam are stuck doing actual research. You never minded, but sometimes Dean's cockiness would just get on your nerves. So, you sat on your motel bed, with a ring of old books around you. Sam was on the bed beside yours on his laptop. Dean had only gotten two beds from the motel, just to piss you off even more. You let the boys have their beds, and you took the creaky not-so-comfortable futon. It was weaved with wood, after all. But you had a pillow and a blanket. You said you'd be okay.
"Hey Sam, I think I know what we are dealing with. And it doesn't require research," you said, and looked at Sam. He looked up from the laptop, and looked at you.
"I think it's a werewolf. You know, full moon, all the victims were missing a heart, lots of claw scratches..." You looked at him and his eyes lit up.
"Oh god, I feel stupid now." He chuckled, and you laughed with him. "I would too if I were you. You completely looked over the 'full moon' part, moose." You laughed as Sam glared at you. He hated his nick name, but you didn't know that deep down, the younger Winchester thought it was adorable.
"Haha, very funny. Now let's go get Dean before he gets laid." Sam suggested, and you sniggered. You agreed, and nodded your head. "Let's."

You and Sam walked to the bar, Dean taking the impala. When you entered the bar, you saw a young woman dragging Dean out the door. Dean looked at her hungrily and that's when you decided to butt in.
"Come on Dean-o, we found something." You smirked, as the young blonde's shoulders slumped and she flipped her hair, making a high pitched Hmph! noise before going back into the bar. Dean watched her butt sway side to side longingly, and he glared at you and moose.
"Aw, come on! I was just about to get laid!" He groaned, and Sam smiled down at you. "We figured," he said and Dean glared at the moose.
"Ugh, come on let's go back to the motel." Dean stated firmly, and started to get into the car. He muttered something quiet, but with your awesome hearing you heard every word.
"Moose and (animal), those sons of a bitches." You sniggered at this and jumped into the backseat, while Sam was shotgun and you listened to Dean complain the whole way back to the motel.

Sammy filled Dean on all the details while you got your crappy couch ready for an unpleasant sleep. Dean just listened, and went straight to bed. He was out in about an hour. You were just laying there on the futon, tossing and turning. You figured the boys were asleep, both being quiet and not making a sound. You hadn't known Sam was listening to you trying, but failing, to get comfortable, but still trying to sleep.
"Damn you, couch!" You whisper shouted, and smacked the couch while shoving your face into the hard pillow. You gave an exasperated sigh of frustration as you kept rolling around on the futon. The wood kept scratching you and making you itchy. Sam sighed, but quiet enough where you couldn't hear. He got up quietly, and you were too occupied trying to get comfortable. When the moose was practically above you, that's when you took notice of him.
"Oh, hiya Sammy! Did I wake you?" You whispered, and he shook his head, and smiled. "You seem uncomfortable. So, I came to offer you to sleep in my bed with me. I-if you don't mind." Sam adverted his gaze. Hoping you wouldn't notice the blush creeping up his cheeks. You smiled with relief.
"I'd love to Sam. Thanks." You said, and stood up to follow Sam onto the bed. Sam got into the blankets first, snuggling into them and holding them open for you to climb in. You did, and got all snuggly. Sam smiled and wrapped an arm around your waist. You blushed. You had the largest crush on Sam, it was practically unbelievable. Dean somehow found this out, and that's why he left you everywhere. With Sam. He sighed.
"Might as well do this now. I mean, now or never, right? I really like you (Y/n), and to be honest, Dean told me this way after I even began to like you. I mean, maybe this is love. So what I'm saying is, I love you, (y/l/n)." You looked over at a smiling Sam. He was smiling ear to ear. This made you smile very widely.
"I love you too, Sammy. I can finally call you my own. And by the way, your brother is toast. Better hold onto him while you can there, Mooseman." You chuckled, and Sam chuckled with you. He lay his toned chest against your back, being the "big spoon". You smiled at Sam and booped him on the nose.
"Love you Sam, and goodnight." Sam's arm brought you closer to his chest, and he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. "Love you too (Y/n), goodnight."

That one was surprisingly long.

I might do a couple actor X reader's in the future! Comment if you'd like that (for example, a Misha X Reader, Jensen X Reader, so on.). Just comment or something, and silent readers:

Don't be silent!

Speak up, bros!

I'd love to hear from you guys!

So drop a comment down there or something, will you?

Just a simple hi, please? XD

I love you all!


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