Sam X Reader ~ 5

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Christmas Special provided my Yours Truly!

You were crazy about Christmas. You had already set up all the Christmas stuff you owned in the bunker on December 1st. Dean, being the Scrooge he is, rolled his eyes and grumbled but continued with life. Sam loved this side of you, and was as equally enthusiastic as you. So, he decided to be a smart man and ask you on a date. Sam had to gather this courage. Until he decided to be the smoothest person ever.
"Hey(Y/n)youwannagoonadatewithme?" Sam asked quickly and tried to hide his blush. Sure. He was very smooth. You looked up from whatever you were doing and smirked.
"Sure Sammy! Let me go get ready." You said and bounded into your room. After you disappeared behind your door, Sam covered his face and ran a clammy hand through his long, brown hair as he slid against the wall and plopped onto the floor.
"Smooth, Winchester. Real smooth."

You were in your room wondering about what to wear. Since it was Christmas Eve, you decided t would be fun to wear a green long sleeve shirt, and bright red leggings. You grabbed your black boots that went up to the middle of your shin, and grabbed your coat. You also grabbed two Christmas hats, putting one in your head. You took ten dollars from your wallet before stepping out of your room.

      Sam looked up from putting a beanie on his head. He had the look of adoration in his eyes. It had been bothering you if Sam had feelings for you. You really liked Sam, but this could be a gamechanger. He had asked you on a date, and you were ready. Sam walked towards you, towering over you. He smiled.
  "You ready?" He asked. You noticed r didn't have a Christmas hat on, and shook your head.
"Then what do you need?" Sam asked, and you motioned for him to come closer. Sam did, now eye level with you. You smirked, and plopped the excess Christmas hat you had in your hand onto Sam's head. Sam looked frazzled for a moment, but he quickly grinned and stood up.
    "Now we're ready." You grinned, and walked out of the bunker with Sam behind you. You held the door open for him, and he started laughing.
  "Hey aren't I supposed to do that?" He giggled. You rolled your eyes and smiled.
  "Well I wanted to hold the door open for the princess!" You laughed at the smug expression on Sam's face. He had crossed his arms, and was trying not to smile with his pouty lip. You grinned. Then he ran towards you.
  "Well, if I'm a princess, take me to the almighty chariot, my dear prince!" He shouted, and jumped into your arms. Sam was heavy. You giggled, and took him about two steps until you fell onto the snowy ground. You were laughing histarically as Sam was on the snowy ground. You held out your arm for Sammy to link with you as you both got up.
  "Shall we?" You said in your best British accent. Sam giggled and linked arms with you.
  "Yes we shall." He said, and walked with you. You swore you heard him mutter, "This is so cheesy, but amazing." But maybe it was just your imagination.

     Sam was driving the Impala to some diner. You didn't mind, but this was a Christmas diner. That's what makes it special. Sam treasured the look on your face as it lit up your face with happiness and excitement. As you two climbed out of the car, you slipped, but never felt the impact. You slowly opened your eyes to see gentle hazel ones staring right back into your (e/c) eyes. He gently set you upright and held his hand out. You grabbed his cold hand with your own and he had said it was 'for safety precautions'. But you well knew that wasn't the reason. As you both walked into the diner, you were met with sweet smells. Mostly hot chocolate though. You two grabbed a booth, and sat down. You grabbed a menu and started to look through it.
   "I think I'll get the christmas pancakes and a hot chocolate," you say. "you?" Sam looked up from the menu and stroked his chin.
  "I think I'll get what your getting." He said, and you nodded, giving him a smirk. You fished the $10 out of your pocket and slid it across the table.
   "I'll pay." You said, and handed Sam the $10. He shook his head and brought his own ten dollars out.
  "No, I got it." He smiled. You shoved it into his hand anyways.
"I insist." You said. Sam just shook his head and reached over the table, shoving your ten dollars into your pocket. You glared as he smiled broadly.
  "An early Christmas gift for you." He said, and when the waitress walked over. He ordered for you guys and handed over his $10 bill. Now all you had to do was wait.

       When the food got to your table, you and Sam's game of footsies was finished. You thanked the waitress and dug into your pancakes. You didn't know Sam was watching you with a look of adoration on his face. You had finished your pancakes in five minutes flat as Sam was still eating. So, you sipped your hot chocolate until the was done.
  "I'm glad you let me take you on a date, (Y/n). I really enjoyed it." He said, and smiled. You brought your lips away from your mouth and grinned back. Then Sam snorted and laughed.
"What?" You asked, confused. Sam giggled.
"You have a mustache!" He laughed again. You rolled your eyes and grabbed Sam's arm.
  "Let's go, chuckleface." You said, and pulled Sam out of the diner. He was giggling behind you. When you two stepped outside, a light flurry was coming out of the sky. You smiled at the beautiful sight before you. Sam's face lit up when he saw the snow, and he smiled down at you. You put your head on his shoulder/arm, as he wrapped an arm around your waist. You looked up, and saw something you had kind of wanted to see all night.
  "Sammy..." You said breathlessly, and pointed to a little green plant right above you and Sammy.
"Mistletoe." He whispered, and looked down at you. You stared at him, lovingly, and he bent down ever so slowly. When his lips locked down on yours, you kissed back almost immediately. Sammy was surprised that you had actually kissed him back, and he wrapped his hands around your waist as you put your arms on his neck. He drew away, and pecked your lips softly. He drew his voice down to a whisper.
   "Merry Christmas, (Y/n)."

Way longer than I expected.


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