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Luke and I were laying in bed. He actually started making out with me. I knew it had to of been really late, at least 2am. I jumped when my phone started ringing "Cleaning this Gun" by Rodney Atkins because I knew it was my dad. I jumped up really quick and answer it.

"Hey daddy!" I said excited.
"Kelly where is the world are you???" He yelled.
"With Niko at the bonfire, it didn't realize it was 230 in the morning we were all just having a good time I'll have him bring me home." I did nervous.
"I know you aren't with Niko...." He said sounded thankful but upset.
"How do you know that do you want to talk to him?" I asked hoping he would deny it.
"Kelly Niko and Kaylee were in a bad accident tonight, they are out there looking for you since you were suppose to be with him! Do you know how scared I was?" He asked

I dropped my phone and fell to the ground.

**Lukes POV**

  Kelly dropped her phone and fell straight to her knees. I jumped up and grabbed it.

"Sir..." I said as Kelly started crying.
"Listen Luke I'm not going to flip on you yet... Niko and Kaylee were in a bad car accident..." He said. Kelly was crying so hard.
"Where are they?" I asked worried.
"Niko was life flights to Presby and most likely isn't going to make it, Kaylee was taken to Children's. We are on our way to Niko now." He said.
"We will be down...sir I'm sorry..." I said nervous.
"Just make sure my daughter gets here safe!" He said sternly.
"I will sir." I said and hung up.

I picked her up into my arms and held her.

"Let's go baby." I said.
"It's all my fault..." She cried.


We got to the hospital and I didn't even have the truck in park when she jumped out. I hurried out after her. Mike and Em met us but she blew past both of them. She ran straight into the ED.

"Yes ma'am." The lady said.
"I'm here for Niko Adams." She said.
"I'm sorry ma'am you're going to have to take a seat." The lady said. Kelly hit the counter.

"Dammit it just give me an update!!!" Kelly yelled. I went and wrapped my arms around her.

"Kelly..." I heard her dad say. She turned out of my embrace and ran to him.

"Daddy I'm so sorry for scaring you." She said hugging him tight. He looked at me and I frowned. I could tell something more was wrong.

I mouthed did he make it. He shook his head no. Emily was in Mikes arms.

"Kelly...." Her dad said.
"What dad?" She said now backing away.
"Go sit down with Luke..." He said.
"Really?!" She said surprised.

She turned and I had tears in my eyes.

"Luke what's wrong?" She asked me.
"Nothing." I took her hand and we sat down with Mike and Em. We were in a corner and she saw Nikos parents crying talking to the doctor.

About 5 minutes later her dad came over. He knelt down in front of her and Emily since they were sitting next to each other.

"Girls....Niko didn't make it." He said.

"Noooooo!!!" Kelly jumped up crying and she went running into the back. I went and followed her. She found the room Niko was in and his parents at the bed side crying. His dad turned and looked at her. He put his arm out to have her come over to him she went over and he hugged her and they were crying.

Emily went in and her and Kelly were hugging. It took everything I had to get Kelly to leave so they could take care of what they needed to do. She kissed his cut up face and said ' I love you Niko, I always have.' She wouldn't let go of me after I got her out of there.

We were sitting in the waiting room. Nikos mom came over and handed Kells his gold cross necklace.

"Are you sure??" Kelly asked her in between sobs.
"He loved you Kelly, you love him he would want you to have it you know that." She said. Kelly started crying even harder. I helped her put the necklace on.

Her dad and mom came walking over. Emily and Mike left already, thank god he had his truck since Emily can't drive yet.

"Luke..." Her dad said.
"Keith don't do this now" Kellys mom said.
"Can you please stay with her tonight, our house door must stay open." He said I was shocked.
"Yes sir and of course sir." I said.


I have the next chapter already wrote! Let's get at least 5 votes for it to be posted!!

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