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It's been a long 2 1/2 months. Luke eventually went back home to Georgia with his boys at the end of September. He then did farm tour and has had the boys ever since. We talked every night on Skype no matter the time or place. I haven't seen him in person since he left.

My dad still doesn't want me and Luke dating. He knows we are 'good friends' but honestly he's been happy he's there with Niko and all. My first basketball game of the year is next week, I hated how we had 3 months to practice.

My coach automatically put me on the team. Since Niko passed I've been pretty lost. I'm still the quiet girl at school, I don't really do much other than school. I had to quit my job because of my activities. My dad still have me money and Luke tried to but I would never accept it.

I had got accepted in Penn State, but I couldn't go without Niko. His parents got his acceptance letter. I still go over once a night for dinner. He was their last kid at home! After I do dinner with them I find myself having one beer at his grave. I talk to him about the week.

I've started thinking about my future and hopefully I can go to school somewhere down south and move in with Luke. It's only been 5 months but I know he's the one! It was around 5am, thanksgiving morning. I was up because Luke said he would call around 5 or 530.

I was laying there thinking of all the thanksgivings with Niko. I just wish Luke could be here.

"....we were to damn young to know any better..." My phone started ringing. It was FaceTime too! I answered it.

"Good morning beautiful." He said smiling. Damn that smile.
"Good morning handsome!!! What are you doing its really dark?"
"Sitting in my truck." He said with a smirk.
"Why??" I asked and I heard Tate crying in the background.
"Driving, you know it's snowing in PA right baby" he said. He knew I loved snow.
"Really?! How'd you know."
"Trust me, look out your window." He said. I jumped out of bed and looked out. I saw him leaning against his truck waving up at my window with the snow falling. He had on a long sleeve black shirt with tight dark blue jeans.

"AH!!!" I screamed. I threw my phone I ran down the steps running past my parents who were watching the news getting ready to start cooking.

I ran outside no shoes and ran across to the driveway. I jumped in his arms. My feet were freezing but I didn't care.

"Luke baby!!" I said excited.
"Happy Thanksgiving darling. It was your moms idea." He said as he sat me in his truck since I had no shoes on.
"Our first thanksgiving together!" I squealed.
"Yes it is. Guess what else it is." He said smiling.
"What's that?" I asked excited.
"Happy 5 months." He said pulling out a box. Wow I can't believe it's been 5 months already!!! He handed it to me, I opened it it was a beautiful diamond heart necklace.

"Luke. I didn't get you anything. This is beautiful." I said.
"I get to see that beautiful smile of yours. That's the best gift ever." He said.


Around 3 that afternoon everyone was over. Dinner wasn't until 5. Both of my grandmas were here, my brother and his fiancé were here my aunts and uncles from my moms side, my one aunt and uncle from my dads side, there were cousins and second cousins just like every year. Bo was playing with my little cousins and Tate was sitting on my moms lap playing with something, none of the kids wanted to play with him since he was only 16 months.

"Hey...can we take a quick walk?" Luke whispered to me.
"What about the boys?" I asked.
"Mrs. Lee is it okay if you watch the boys now instead of after dinner?" Luke asked her smile.
"Of course!" She said.

We walked to the door I put my boots on and he did took he helped me put my coat on and as I put my scarf on he put his jacket on. He took my hand and we walked out. It was snowing a lot already I say we had at least 4 inches. It might be a huge sleep over!!

He helped my hand and we walked down and out into the woods.

"Luke?" I said.
"Shhhh." He said.

We walked down my quad trail as good as we could. Then I saw lights out by our pond.

"Luke there's something lite up over there." I said pointing.
"Yes there is let's check it out." He said.

We walked and walked and then when we stopped I was amazed. Our pond was turned into an ice rink. There were two sets of skates sitting out and the snow was all of of it.

"What's this?" I asked.
"I've talked to your father... He helped." He said I was amazed.

We  put our skates on and went and started skating. We held hands the entire time. He stopped us and looked me in the eyes.

"You and Niko went ice skating all the time, your parents were afraid you wouldn't go again... So it's mine and yours thing okay?" He asked.
"Yes Luke!" I said wrapping my arms around his neck hugging him. He held me tight.

"Come sit." He said. I noticed a guitar case. We went over to the bench and sat down.

He started playing and then singing I had no idea what songs this was

" Sixty seconds now feels more like thirty
Tick-tock, won't stop, around it goes
Sand through the glass sure falls in a hurry
All you keep trying to do is slow it down, soak it in
You're trying to make the good times last as long as you can
But you can't, man
It just goes too fast"

He stopped after that.

"I just got that wrote so far baby, but every minute with you goes by so damn fast, I want to be with you for awhile Kelly. I asked your dad and he gave me permission to finally date you. " he said. I gasped.
"So Kelly will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I smiled huge and hugged him.
"Yes of course Luke!!!"
"Good I was worried." He said now looking at me and winking.

I leaned in and started kissing him. Damn have I missed those lips. His scruff on his face tickled mine but it get so nice. He put his hand on my cheek. He slowly pulled away.

"Let's get going." He said looking at his watch. "It's almost dinner time"


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