ER Trip

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I woke up to pounding in the door.

"Daddy daddy daddddyyyy!" I hear Bo yelling. I jumped up it was 3am. I woke Kelly and threw her clothes at her.

"Go get dressed." I said throwing my boxers and sweats on real fast as she jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I opened the door. He ran and hugged my legs.

"What's wrong buddy?" I asked picking him up and he hugged me tighter.
"Kelly left! She's gone! I had a bad dream that she left so I went to cuddle with her and she's gone!!!!!!" He yelled in a panic.
"Buddy she's here with daddy." I said kneeling down.

Kells came out of the bathroom and Bo went straight to her. She held him.

"BoBo I'd never leave you sweetie." She said kissing his head.
"Can I sleep in here?"
"Of course little man." She said and she laid him in bed. She got in and he cuddled into her. I got on the other side of him. I put my arm over them but he moved it.

"Do you want daddy to leave?" I asked him.
"Yes." He said Kelly laughed.
"I'll be in your room..." I said grabbing my pillow that I had to have.


530 rolled around. And I heard Kelly come in.

"Hey can you go sleep with him? I need to get ready for school." She said to me.
"He's fine darling. Besides I need to get up and take you to school."
"No it's okay. You said I had to do it myself and I will. "
"I'm going to show you I've grown up. Trust me."


It was around 330 Kelly should be getting home any minute hopefully she was already late. The boys were playing Xbox. Her dad was working and her mom was grocery shopping. I heard her car pull in. I jumped up. I couldn't wait to see her. I went out onto the porch. She got out and opened her hatch. She put her book bag on and then grabbed a few bags. I went out to help her. But she told me to go back inside.

She came in and put everything on the counter and I took her bookbag and coat off.

"Hey darling. What's in the bags?" I asked trying to see.
"Calm down." She said taking it into the living room.

The boys both came and hugg d her.

"Sit I have something for you" she said.

"First. For being such good boys lately I got you this Bo" she said handing him one of those lego kits that you build. He squealed.
"And for tater." She said handing him this musical piano that had a stand and microphone.
"Thank you!!!" Tate said.
"Now I was thinking we could talk my mom and dad into ordered pizza?" She asked them and they both said yes.
"And I got us a movie to watch and then for dessert..." she did pulling out tons of stuff for Ice cream Sunday's.
"Love you mama!" Tate said hugging her.
"Love you baby."
"Thanks Kelly love you." Bo said.
"Anytime pumpkin love you." She said.


That night we were watching some cartoon movie that she got for the boys. They were loving it. We all just finished our sundaes and she was reading a book for school across the room. She looked up and caught me staring at her o looked away.

I saw out the corner of my eye that she smiled and looked down again. I started looking at her again. She was so beautiful. She looked up and I looked away. She giggled. I smirked while I looked at the tv. Her parents went out to a movie so it was just us home.

There was a knock on the door then the doorbell. We looked at each other it was 8 at night.

"Want me to get it?" I asked her.
"Uh yeah. I'll come" she said and the boys just kept watching the movie.

We went to the door and I opened it. It was john her brother.

"John?" She said worried.
"Rachel kicked me out. Is mom and dad home?" He asked.
"Come on in... they went to a movie. It's just me Luke and the boys."

He came in and took his shoes and jacket off.

"Hey man" he said shaking my hand.
"Good to see you again." I said.

"Daddddyyyy!" Bo yelled running out.
"Mommmyyyy" Tate yelled running after him.
"Mommy?" John said shocked.

"What's wrong boys?" I said and they were staring at john.
"Remember Kellys brother john?" I asked them. Then they blew it off.
"Mommy! Bo was kicking me!!" Tate said.
"No daddy I was kicking the floor and he put his legs under mine." Bo stated
"No I didn't! Liar!" Tate said and smacked Bo.
"Enough!" Kelly yelled.
"Mommy......" Tate said with tears in his eyes he rarely sees her scream.
"How about both of you sit on opposite sides of the coffee table. Please." She said. I could tel she was stressed again.
"Fine!" They both said and stomped into the living room.
"I'm going to go supervise. If y'all need me you know where I'll be." I said.
"Thanks hunny..."

**Kellys POV**

"Drink?" I asked my brother.
"Please!" He said. We went downstairs. He racked up the balls as I grabbed him a beer. He handed me a stick.
"What's going on?" I asked as I broke the balls.
"Well... Aunt Kelly..." he said I totally missed the ball for my next shot.
"Surprised... she's due in June it's march Kelly! She's known but didn't think it was mine...."
"Whoa whoa whoa... what...." I sat down on a bar stool.
"Yeah she cheated back in September...then October... I didn't know. November she kept saying she wanted to try for a baby so we tried and everything... she found out before New Years... but she didn't go to the doctor until this month because she was scared. I yelled at her because apparently he has a clef lip and palate and she's been smoking drinking and the weed... I just I flipped..."
"Holy shit John!"
"I know what do I do? She told me she never wanted to see me again. I over reacted but she cheated. Is it mine ya know?"
"No I totally get it... shit... I mean, I'm sure it is. Can they do test before?"
"It's risky I think... mom and dad are going to kill me!"
"Hey it's fine... it'll all work out."
"I'm scared..."
"Well if it's not yours kick her ass to the curb that's YOUR house... that was our grandparents house, she had no right kicking you out."
"I know..."
"Hey, it's okay John."

We sat there in silence... I was so excited to be an aunt. But I was worried about him. They lost a baby 2 year ago and it tore them apart.

I heard a bang.

"MOMMMYYYYYYY!!!!" I heard Tate screamed in pain. I jumped up and flew up the steps. I heard crying. I ran in and Luke was holding him. His mouth was covered in blood.

"Ah hell." I said running and grabbing a towel from the bathroom in the hall right there and back out putting pressure on it.
"Fuck Bo you need to pay attention!" Luke yelled.

Tate was crying Bo was screaming. John was standing there with pure shock. Bo ran away.

"Go get Bo tell him we need to go to the hospital. And apologize Thomas." I said holding Tate.
"I'll watch him...." john said.
"What?" Luke and I both said shocked.
"Go he will be fine..."

I was in shock. I wrapped Tate in a blanket.
"Grabbed his shoes my shoes and his jacket let's go Luke!" I said and before I knew it we were in the truck heading for the hospital.



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