Out of Hand

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**Lukes POV**

I was almost to the end of the woods. My shirt got ripped my shoes were muddy. My jeans were a mess. I was almost to the road. I saw a cop car driving up the road. Shit... they were going to her house. I started walking up the road. I saw her getting out of the back and then walking to her door. I was able to sneak around back and go up on the deck. This was ridiculous I felt like a little teenager. I grabbed her set of keys out and went into the back door. I took my shoes off and my jeans. I went down to the laundry room and found some of my clothes I left her and threw them on. I messed my hair up some. I went back up into the kitchen and was getting a class of water. Then the door bell rang. And a knock.

"What the hell??" I heard her dad say. I saw the light come on in the living room. I walked over.
"Jesus Luke! Didn't you go to her friends house?"
"No sir I fell asleep I was exhausted. Who's at the door?" I asked following him. He turned the porch light on. He opened the door.

"What the fuck Kelly!" He yelled I looked around him to see her and the cop. Her eyes got real big when she saw me.
"Hi daddy..." she said.
"In here now!" He said sternly.

She came in. He went out onto the porch to talk to the officer. She mouthed how. I shrugged. I had to act mad.

20 mins later her dad came in.

"Luke would you mind going upstairs please?" He asked.
"Uhm no sir."
"Can you also knock on my door and get my wife please."
"Yes sir." I said.

I was walking down the hall.

"Daddy can I go give Luke a kiss... I didn't even know he was here!" I heard kells say.
"Absolutely not! He came to see you and you are out acting like a child! Why should I let you move to Georgia or Tennessee!? Huh Kelly? You're lucky I knew that cop!!!" He yelled.

I walked up the steps and knock on their door. I waited. She opened the door.
"Oh Luke. Yes dear?" She said.
"Uh Mrs Lee, Mr lee needs you downstairs please... Kelly is in trouble."
"What did she do?!" She asked putting her robe on.
"Idk all I know is cops brought her home. I never went to her friends house I fell asleep."
"Thank you Luke... I think it might be best if...."
"If I slept in the guest room. Already done" I said smiling. She smiled back.
"Good night Luke."
"Good night Mrs Lee."

I went to her room grabbed my bag and went to the guest room. I heard yelling and screaming. I jumped in a quick shower. When I got out 15 mins later there was still yelling and screaming even her crying. I felt horrible. About an hour later I heard her door slam. There was a light tap on my door.

"Come in..." I said. Her mom opened the door.
"Hi Mrs Lee." I said.
"Can I sit?" She asked pointing to the corner of the bed. I sat up straight.
"Of course." I said worried.

She took a deep breath.

"She almost got charged Luke I don't know what to do with her she's out of control." She said upset.
"Mrs. Lee in so sorry. I thought she stopped partying every weekend she hasn't been with me and before me she partied all the time. She said she had stopped...."
"It's okay Luke I'm just glad she has you... as of right now she's grounded for the rest of the year until graduation will you be here that night to keep her in check?"
"Yes ma'am I will be"
"Thank you so much Luke get some sleep."
"Goodnight" I said as she closed the door.


I felt her arm wrap around me and I heard the sobs. I saw it was still dark out. I looked st the alarm clock and it was only 530 in the morning.

"Darling I love you but you shouldn't be in here" I said turning over.
"Luke my life is over...."
"No it isn't Kelly listen. You will be fine I promise you okay... let me tell them I was there"
"NO! Then I will never get to see you."
"No fucking way Luke!"

She was quiet.

"Can't you hold me?" She asked. I put my arms around her she cuddled in.
"Promise me you're done partying...." I said to her.

**Kellys POV**

I laid their quiet... I wasn't going to promise that I have so much more to do and along with that comes wild crazy parties...
"Kelly!?" He asked.
"Promise Luke..." I said quietly. I knew I was lying but I had to go keep him.
"Thank you..." he said kissing my head.
"I should probably get back into my room..."
"How about you go do some working out and show your dad you are still seriously about basketball..." he said.
"No I'll pass I hate him....." I said getting up and leaving.

I saw my dad in the hall by my door.

"Don't worry he kicked me out..." I said blowing pst him.
"Kelly what is your deal?" He asked.
"You dad you won't let me grow up you won't let me do anything I'm tired of you and mom. I hate both of you!" I yelled.
"Won't let you grow up!?! Kelly you are dating a 34 year old man! A superstar at that! What the hell do you want me to say your kicked out!!! You can't live here anymore? You want to be an adult fine give me $800 a month."
"What why!?!"
"Your outrageous phone bill your car insurance your food your clothes your school supplies you lunch money your money to go out your gas money. You want me to keep going!!!!" He screamed my mom was standing there now.
"Kevin..." she said.
"No either give me $800 of your own money not Luke's or get out! If you leave no more car too."
"I can't fucking stand either of you!!!" I yelled. I slammed my door. He came in.
"Choose now."
"I'm leaving! I'm out of here."
"If that's what you want."
"No but you're being a dick dad!!"

He walked out of the room. I had a suit case packed. I went down the hall and I heard Luke and my dad talking I stopped.

"No sir I  understand. I won't help her... can I st least take her to a hotel so she's safe?" I heard him ask.
"Luke I rather you not. I'm sure she already called Emily did Michael come with you?"
"Yes he did sir."
"Wait and see if she asks you if she does then yes. It's s tough lesson"
"Trust me sir I know. If my boys ever tell me that hate me or anything I don't think I'll ever handle it as well as you did."

I wasn't asking him for help. He's going behind my back. I went back slammed my door. I went down the hall. I stopped outside Luke's door my dad was standing there. I threw my phone on the floor.

"Maybe I'll finally go be with Niko since I have no support system here." I said to both of them.

Before they said anything I was downstairs and out the door. I was walking up the driveway pulling my bag behind me. I looked back no Luke or anyone.

"Fuck them..." I mumbled to myself.

I was on my way to Nikos parents house 3 miles... ugh. I started walking down the hill....


I got there around it was 7 by the time I got there. I rang the door bell. A few seconds later his dad opened the door.

"Kelly! What are you doing? Where is your car"
"It's a long story can I please come in and talk" I said and started crying.
"Oh goodness yes sweetie let me go get mom"

I went in and sat on the couch. I started crying even harder when I saw pictures of niko. She came in.

"Sweetie what is going on?" She asked coming over and hugging me.

Then I started to explain the whole situation.



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