How Kiss a Turtle Started- Bonus

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Read picture above^^^^^^

So Bluebajoons, my sis, and my other sister Banana and I write Lloyd stories.

Here, Banana is Cole, Bluebajoons is Jay, and I am the awesomest Kai

In this scene, Kai, Cole, and Jay, were shopping for a shirt for Lloyd and Zane. I made up the idea of Kiss a turtle shirt, and a few others, like the barf on blue.

The writing might be a little messy, but we do four stories every Sunday, which is how I get most of my ideas. Everytime it's a different theme and funny, stay tuned for more bonus updates ! :)

ALLIGATOR-hope you enjoyed this. Thought you might like to see how I get ideas!

When we right

I am Nya, Lloyd, And Kai

Banana is Cole, and a character we added called Dominique, or Dom, who is Lloyds girl friend and someone who hates Kai's hair. Kai doesn't really like her you can imagine some of the things we right with her!

Bluebajoons is Jay and Zane, and sometimes a waitress when they go out to eat. Cole likes her, (her names Emerald), but he's really embarrassed and doesn't really want to ask her out because his family is so weird. (I don't blame him!!)

My little brother sometimes joins the fun, in which he takes the ice blue pen from Bluebajoons and becomes Zane.

Yes, we write the Ninja in their colors.

Kai red
Lloyd green
Zane ice blue
Jay dark blue
Emerald-orange. (don't ask why her name is emerald because we are confused about that too lol)
Dareth- who sometimes joins is brown. And I write him
Dom- a weird teal color
Nya- pink.

Hoped you enjoyed this random fact.

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