Chapter XVI

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This is dedicated to leywren because she votes and she's awesome!

Okay everyone, I'm sorry this took so long, I've had a lot going on, this took a lot longer than I intended. But, here it is! Enjoy :)

Chapter XVI: Circumstances

I was killing time before Xavier gave the all clear when Millie barged into my room knocking as she opened the door. I raised an eyebrow but kept my mouth shut. What could she possibly want? Millie looked around like she expected to see someone else here.

"Can I help you?" I asked, not moving from my spot on the bed where I was lounging, my hands behind my head.

"Is anyone else here?"

"No, why would there be?"

"Good, we need to have a discussion."

"Great," I rubbed my temples. "What would you like to discuss?"

"Don't take that ungrateful tone with me." Millie growled.

"Millie, it's really hard to be nice to someone who obviously hates your very existence. I don't know what I did to you, but I'm sorry for whatever it is. But let me tell you this much, I'm being very nice to you right now, I'm trying very hard to be cordial, and just so you know, you make that really, really difficult."

"I am gracious enough to invite you into my home, you ungrateful wretch, and you dare to talk to me that way?"

"Millie, what do you want?"

"Do not snap at me!"

"Then get to the point."

"Do not tell me what to do, least of all in my own home."

I sighed and fought the groan. "Millie, you know how you find me annoying and utterly insufferable?"


"The feeling is mutual."

"I want you to leave."

"Excuse me?"

"I want you to go back to where you came from."

"Millie, my passport has been revoked by the king. I can't leave."

"As soon as it's returned, will you?"


"Why are you really here? Are you looking to get Angelica's inheritance? Are you trying to find some royal to mooch off of?"

"Excuse me?"

"Why else would you try to ruin what Angelica has with Ethan."

I shook my head, fighting to control my anger. "You can see whatever you want Millie, I can't be your eyes. But maybe if you opened them every once in a while and really decided to look at what was really there you'd be able to see so much more."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not trying to ruin Angelica and Ethan. Do I think Ethan is a player? Yes. Do I think he's good enough for Angelica? No. Do I want to hurt Angelica? Of course not. My question is, what makes you think I want to?"

"You say you don't want it, but I can't believe you."

"Why is that?"

"You are your mother's daughter."

"What exactly does that mean?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"It means, your mother was little more than a floozy, a tramp, a whore,"

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