Chapter 36

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Meanwhile, up from the castle; in a tainted glass window. Hans was leaning on the window frame, his elbow placed on the frame with his chin rested on his fist; looking chary at the white haired Queen sitting on the marble benches of the castle gardens, reading a book. His eyes were so fixed at her that he did not notice Kai opening the door of his given room "Your Majesty?" Kai said, clearing his throat afterwards; startling Hans as he turned to see who entered his room "Yes?" he said, his eyes blinking with furrowed brows.

"I apologize for any discomfort, but I have brought your baggage, My lord" he said as he began to pull his things into the room; struggling. Hans simply smiled and went to his aid "Here let me help." he offered, the man stopped and stared at him in disbelief but allowed him anyway. They pulled his things into his room, "Thank you-." Hans stopped, his finger twirling in quandary for he did not know his name. "Kai. My name's Kai, your Highness" he said with a shrill smile. "Thank you, Kai" Hans said with a warm smile, the man simply nodded, "Your needs are my concern, your majesty." he told him. "And with that I am grateful." he said grinning, "By the way, pardon me If I did not hear you knock from the door. I was too distracted by-" he paused with widened eyes, upon realizing of what he could have said that slipped through his tongue. "Something beautiful." he said, blinking his eyes before he did so.

Kai couldn't help but smile and raise a teasing brow at this redeemed prince, curiously; he walked towards the window to look at this beautiful something of his. To his surprise, the window's view was the castle gardens; where various floral shrubs grew, whether exotic or local, it never failed to brighten the garden with its aura and beauty. But as his eyes trailed around the centre near the fountain, there sitting on one of the marble benches, was the Queen herself. Kai turned to the prince, who now seemed quite reddened and embarrassed.

"Do you fancy the Queen?" he asked, raising a brow at him with an impeccable grin. "What? No! I-I was just staring-" he paused, as he couldn't stop the cracked tone in his voice and looked down; guilty. Then he took sighed and looked back up "at the beautiful. Flowers..." he finished.

"Flowers, huh?" Kai said, his arms crossed looking at him as if he was the worst liar in the world. "The flowers, yes." He said defending his dignity, but slowly slumped down along with his pride "Well at first..." he admitted. Then his eyes widened at the realization, "I-I mean I-"he paused and sighed "I do admire those flowers" he finally said. "I see." Kai said, regaining his butler charisma as he headed to the door. "With all due respect, your Highness." He said before he bowed and left. The bewildered Prince just stood there staring blankly at the door as it closed with a click; somehow it seemed as if he considered the kind gentleman's words that it sent them coursing through his mind. Well whatever that was, he shook his head and stared back down from the window at the white haired lass with a grin plastered on his lips.


I sighed in complete contentment, considering this scenario summed it all up; prosperous, quiet, floral bushes and nature's aura surrounding it. Probably how I pictured from what we would call 'Peaceful'. But from the absence of this; my stomach stirred, like butterflies were fluttering in me. Something just felt so...wrong. Gazing up from the book I held; I looked around, nothing. But it did not satisfy me, I tilted my head sight from side to side until I managed to turn my back and gaze up at the castle's façade. There on the second storey, in a window stood a grinning figure of a man staring down approximately at me, and within a split second it jerked away from the window.

Weird, one word I would describe it. My brows furrowed in confusion, was that guy stalking me or something? But soon my expression suddenly changed with widened eyes when a realization hit me, that window was just a few feet to the right away from the window in my room. I've never been so reddened in embarrassment, I could feel my cheeks burn with blush the moment I touched it.

Was he stalking me?

Hundreds of thoughts run through my head and all with the same conclusion; Him. Did I do anything that in triggered something in him? Is he becoming the embezzler who tried to kill me again? Or something that I couldn't figure out. Damn, I hate thinking! Frustrated, I stood up from the bench and went back inside the castle with fasten steps.


I watched from the corner of the window as she went back inside the castle. She was smart I'd give that, or maybe the feeling of someone watching you from views you don't expect gave that eerie feeling. Well whatever that was, I could feel butterflies starting to flutter in my stomach. That moment may have lasted for at least a split second but somehow it felt quite...odd. The way her eyes met mine gave me uncomfortable visions; I was torn either to believe those were illusions or perhaps a certain memory that I couldn't recall what. Of course I would say perhaps those were hallucinations; but the way it felt, it seemed far more than just hallucinations. I felt it, the feeling that gave me the thoughts that I've met her before.

I know it sounded crazy, but I wasn't fooling around. There was something just strange about her; like strange magic, strange force pulling me closer to her against my will. Either if I'm mad or not, she's went through my nerve like lightning. I just didn't know what, but I could feel something.

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