Chapter 53

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"How is she?" Anna asked – anxious enough to know of her dear sister's state. Once Hans had arrived in her chamber and placed her in her bed with the doctor and Anna coming in after them, he quickly began examining her with Anna gripping tightly on her hand.

Setting his spectacles down he replied "Her majesty will be all right, nothing to worry about, you highness." He assured her and in which was replied with a sigh of relief. Looking down at her unconscious face she asked "Then what could have caused her sudden collapse?" turning her gaze towards the doctor.

"My hypothesis would be that she was quite distressed leading to a prehypertension state but not to worry I've let her take the medicines to fight off further dilemmas." He implied; assuring the princess before adding "That or perhaps her majesty might be with child."

His words struck Anna deeply, making her eyes widen in shock and eyed Hans. Raising his hands in defense he said "I assure you I wouldn't even dare." He retorted. Noticing this, the doctor cleared his throat "Well so long as her majesty hasn't been showing signs of such there won't be any certainty and of course nothing to be wary of." He imposed adding "And perhaps by tomorrow she'll be doing quite fine." And with that, the doctor nodded and left.

Placing her hand down, Anna caressed her sister's head and with that proceeded to the door. "Prince Hans." She said beckoning for him to approach her. "Your highness?" he asked upon approaching her "I think it be best if we leave her to rest in her chambers." She said adding "To fasten her recovery." He nodded in agreement though something about her tone made it seem that when she said 'we' likely was addressed to him.

Noticing a hint of melancholy in his countenance, Anna placed a hand on his arm and smiled at him; with that she nodded and left. Now that he was left in the chamber, his gaze then turned to the reposed Queen laying in slumber on her bed. Slowly he made his way towards her, kneeling down so that his face could hers; everything about her was just so peculiarly beautiful, he thought.

Letting out a sigh; he leaned towards her and planted a passionate kiss unto her forehead and gazed at her face once more "Please be well, min elskede." he whispered and with that proceeded to the door and gave her once last glance before stepping out.

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