Chapter 58

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Elsa sat across the vanity, her body dressed in velvet garments that emboldened her slender figure and fair complexion. Glistening sapphires and diamonds hung and decorate her neck with her hair fixed in lively waved curls with a countenance darkened to emphasize her regal beauty.

However as she gazed upon herself she couldn't see it, all she could see was a woman torn by the situation she has been put on.

He needs to live.

She reminded herself, nevermind if she cannot touch him so long as he remains alive to her eyes; she will be satisfied. Letting out a sigh, she turned her gaze to the drawers under the dresser; unconsciously she pulled the lowest one and drew from it - a sheer blue crystal. Pushing the drawer back, she continued to gaze at the glistening object in her palm - reminiscing the words Pabbi had told her that she used to console herself.

"My, these gowns are beautiful!" Anna exclaimed as she suddenly entered the room; causing Elsa to choke on the tears that were making their way out. "Anna!" She scolded, catching her breath before adding "You scared the living cadaver right out of me!".

"Sorry." She muttered, noting her dear sister's shift in mood - she lets out a sigh then turns to her. There Anna stood, her hair down for once - not in her usual braided pigtails, all tidied down with a satin ribbon at the back of her hair. Her gown in pastel pink showing her shoulders off and edged with pastel shades of fabric peonies; lined with a simple gold chain that hung from her neck with a pendant that bore the kingdom's crest.

"You know, sometimes it just feels like only yesterday when you were just a sweet little girl who wore pigtails and bathed in chocolate." Elsa muttered as her gaze remained constant; making Anna shrug and flustered in embarassment. She stood from her chair and made her way to her sister with her pellucid veil-like cape trailing behind her.

"Mother would've been very proud as to what you have become." She muttered and with that pulled each other into a hug; pulling away, Elsa reached for a box near the dresser and opened it to reveal a dainty gold crown embedded with precious stones nestled on a velvet cushion. "As tonight's hostess, I bestow upon you the signet of your authority as a fellow monarch of this land." She imposed, taking the crown in her hands and nestled it on Anna's head. "Princess of Arendelle." She said and with that curtsied.

Anna couldn't believe her eyes as she touched the crown with her hand to see if it was real and the other excitedly waving in the air as she let out a squeal "Did you really?!" She screamed, Elsa nodded with a smile. Drying the tears that were making their way, she pulled her into a hug "Oh thank you. Thank you, Elsa!" She muffled.

"It's nothing." She assured her as she patted her back and returned her embrace; slowly pulling away she added "Now let's greet the guests with the power of ice and snow."

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