Chapter 45

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"So when are you planning on having your rehearsals for the doxology, Elsa."

Anna asked, setting herself down on the cobalt-velvet cushioned chair next to Kristoff as they awaited their dinner. She was starving, especially when they were deceived that Gerda could not bake the chocolate fruit fudge they sought for. Remembering the doxology only made Elsa shudder, this was the first in her life to dance alone in front of everyone.

"I honestly don't know where to start actually." She answered, quipping in a smile to hide the edginess she felt. A moment later the maids arrived, silver casseroles in hand; not long after them Gerda entered. "Good evening, your majesties." She greeted upon bowing before she resumed "For tonight's main course" she paused, waiting for the maids to set the covered casseroles in front of the royals; once set she spoke "kjottboller." with that all of the silver covers were raised, revealing the traditional Norwegian dish placed on a decorative paten. "That was the decided main course?" Anna asked as she rumoured on a list then added "Couldn't you pick something else?"

Gerda was about to answer her when Elsa spoke "Anna, I think it's fine." She said in a reassuring tone. "I don't know, Elsa" she added "Don't you think it's a bit too I don't know common to be served for the Swinter dinner? I mean seriously we been eating this for like the past two days." she sighed, resting her temple on her hand.

Elsa couldn't help but sigh at her sister before turning her gaze to Gerda "May I?" she gestured towards the menu she held in her hand, "of course, your majesty." She said lending her the menu. "Anna" she started then added "It says here you picked the dishes to be served". "What?" Anna sat up from her chair; she lent her the menu to see for herself.

Menu for the Eve of the Swinter Festival


Polser                   Devilled Eggs

First Course (Soup):


Final Entrée:

Swinestek             Smoked Salmon                 Kjottboller


Custard Pie           Chocolate Ganache          Pudding               Caremel Fudge

Selected by her highness Princess Anna of Arendelle

"I don't recall making this list." She defended, crossing her arms in dispute "Apologies your highness but you told us to make the menu shout 'Arendelle' when the guests gaze upon it so we had no choice but to pick out the recipes we usually cook." Gerda explained, making Anna's dispute fade away as her countenance softened.

"I don't really see anything wrong with meatballs and mashed potatoes bathed in cream sauce." Elsa exclaimed "I'd agree" Kristoff said, adding "who doesn't like mashed potatoes?" he said, scooping up a spoonful of the dish and eating it "Its delicious" he added. "Or we could always just switch the kjottboller with mashed potatoes instead" Elsa suggested looking towards Anna "what do you think?" she asked.

"That could be arranged – so long as we don't serve sheep stomach then I'm good." Anna answered, making Elsa and Kristoff laugh. "Then its settled, we serve mashed potatoes instead of kjotboller, Gerda" she told her as Anna lent the list back to her who made the corrections requested by the Queen, soon after she lent the list to Elsa who then signed it. "Your Majesties." She bowed and left.

"it's a good thing we decided one of the dishes be served tonight or it would be gossips we'll be hearing on the eve of the festival." Anna said sighing in relief "Is that why you've been so hypochondriac about it?" Elsa asked creasing a brow in which was responded with a nod. "You shouldn't worry about such things; I mean they'd rather eat than sit there gossiping about food." She said, making Anna laugh. And with that they proceeded to eat in silence. As they did, Elsa couldn't help but feel forlorn like there was something missing.

Later on, Gerda went in with a pitcher in hand to fill the royals' chalices and as she reached the Queen, she asked "Where is prince Hans?" Elsa whispered as Gerda poured her chalice with water "He couldn't attend dinner for he had other matters to attend to." She replied, giving Elsa a shrill smile as she bowed and left.

Odd as it was, Elsa couldn't help but notice that smile on her face; looked almost as if she was hiding something devious, she shrugged it off anyway and resumed eating taking sips from the chalice; for little did she knew that Gerda lied of the whereabouts of the prince.

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