Chapter 23

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Elsa sat on a chair next to the bed, she sat there watching him...she couldn't gaze at anything else but him.

Everything she could think of...was him, she couldn't help at thinking that he might...die. She shook her head hoping it would go away.

But it didn't, She noticed that he turned paler than before. Death was seen in his face, though in his absense...he still looked calm and peaceful.

As if he was just in...slumber. Her head repeated the thought that he might die. She sighed and snugged deeper on the chair.

Then she felt something on the chair, she slipped her hand under her skirt and pulled the thing out.

It was his tiny journal, she sighed, and opened the book. She flipped on the pages she previously read back then.

When she went to the last page, she gazed at the ceiling "Why am I even reading this?"she whispered and took a deep breath.

Then she decided to close it, but right as it was about to close. She saw letters at the back of the last page.

She squinted, then she flipped the page and read it. after she did, a tear fell from her eye "He said he loved me then...didn't he?"Elsa thought.

Then a memory hit her...

"Did you"I asked, he sighed "I just couldn't...accept it"he answered and stormed out of the room...

"Hans! I ordered you to stop!"I yelled, then he stopped at the throneroom and faced me "What?!"he answered "Why can't you get it in you!"I answered.

"tell me Hans! Your not getting any better unless you tell me now!"I exclaimed. "I can't!"he answered in a weak tone.

"What do you mean you can't! "I exclaimed "Can we just don't talk about this"he suggested "No! I'm not stopping or going anywhere!"I exclaimed.

"Unless you tell me right now!"I added, "Because I don't deserve to be loved!!"He yelled, I stood there listening at him.

"I lied to Anna! I fooled an entire kingdom! I left Anna to die! I brought Arendelle against you! And I tried to kill you!"Hans answered back.

"I've had too many sins! and there all unforgivable! Don't you see Elsa...I don't deserve to be loved! Even if I want to"he continued.

"And Even if I did deserve love...I just don't want you to be hurt"he added....

A tear fell from her eye, "He did love me"she yelled in her head.

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