Chapter 57

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"These pearls are stunning, aren't they?" Hannah asked; fitting the silver necklace adorned in creme-colored pearls infront of the mirror as she pondered on which accessory would fit the best for tonight's spectacular event.

Meanwhile against the window pane her brother stood, leaning on its base with his elbows as his chin rested on his fisted hand gazing outside - preoccupied.

"Hans?" she mused, reeling him back from his thoughts. "Yes?" He stuttered, frantically regaining his posture as he strained to remember her question "Oh, yes the pearls - yes, they are very - what do you call it?" He paused tapping his finger desperately against his cheek as he sought for a word to say.

"Aesthetic." He smiled in attempt to brush off his maladroit demeanor however in his sister's case, his schemes into concealing things from her were rather futile.

Shaking her head in a disappointed manner; she crossed her arms. "Hans what's wrong with you? You've been preoccupied since this morning during the ceremony." She implied, gesturing towards him.

With that, his smiling visage vanished and looked away from her "It's nothing." he said - his demeanor swiftly changing as he walked towards the aluminum pitcher and poured a dash of the lime juice into a goblet "I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He added as he sipped the contents from it.

Once swallowed, he set it down "I need fresh air." He said and with that opened the door towards the balcony and went there, leaning against the pillars as he took in deep breaths; staring out with a fixed gaze.

Hannah just stared at him as he dismissed her from his presence, once out of sight she let out a sigh and momentarily closed her eyes.

With that, she went after him and slowly made her way beside him. They stood there for a moment - nothing but silence surrounded them along with that sweet breeze kissing against their flesh; letting out a sigh, Hans looked down.

Fidgeting her fingers, she let out a sigh "I'll send for someone to fetch you, your attire for tonight and perhaps a plate of oranges aswellto lighten up your countenance." She suggested before adding "Would that opt your mood, brother?" She asked looking at him as if to ask of his approval but was neglected.

Finally Hans looked up into her eyes and let out a small smile "Yes." He muttered,  Hannah placed a hand on his shoulder and with that left.

Once he heard the door click, he knew he was alone once again. Letting out a sigh, he inserted his hand inside his coat and pulled a sharpened sapphire which resembled that of a dagger's blade - a memory of a voice echoes throughout his head.

"Nothing does make sense anymore." He pointed out, giving out a sigh as he resisted and with that tucked the gem back inside his coat...heaving.

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