Chapter 50

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"Hannah!" Hans squealed as he ran to embrace his sister, "It's quite to see you again" she assured him as she returned his embrace; "How long have you been here for?" he asked pulling away from the hug.

"A few hours ago." She said, walking from the maroon carpet to his bed in which she sat "I heard the Queen came to get you herself" she said, noticing his sudden shift in mood upon mentioning her. Letting out a heavy breath he answered "Yes, she had." Shaking his head in a manner to show he wishes not to speak of it.

Sighing she stood up and walked towards him "You know what" she started; placing a hand on his shoulder "What do you say we prepare for the banquet her majesty has prepared for us?" she said in a way to lighten his mood as she pointed out to the clock stating it was a quarter till seven.

He nodded and quipped a smile "Sure, I'd like that." He answered her once, returning his smile she said "Come." And added "I have something perfect for you to wear tonight." She said and with that headed to her quarters.

Elsa stood on a pedestal as her handmaidens aided her into wearing her attire for the night, designed by the castle's most trusted dress maker: Edna. She was dressed in a dress inspired by their kingdom's crest; shoulder-off with dyed silk and the crest embroidered between her busts.

And for once, she let her locks flow down cascading through her back with her crown rested atop her head. Once they were done she asked to be left alone in her chambers, upon their leave she paced towards her dresser where she then sat on the porch and gazed at herself on the mirror.

She let out a sigh as the memories came rushing back to her especially how she kissed him earlier.


It felt so wrong, she shouldn't have kissed him - who knows what this meant to him and the way his face turned when she left his lips; it looked as if he'd seen something - something he didn't intend to see.

Her gaze turned from the mirror to the drawers below her dresser, bending over she placed her hand atop the knob of the drawer and pulled it open, she then retrieved a velvet box which had silver strains on it. She then proceeded to open it; revealing a sapphire nestled on it.

Cupping the gem in her hands she took it from the box and began to caress it with her fingers as her memories trail back to that day she got it. "Memories never fade away huh?" she muffled then added "If only there was a way to get you back without killing you, I would've done anything just to reclaim you because even until now it still lingers."

She soon heard a knock from her door "Elsa?" she heard her sister spoke, she then hurriedly placed the gem back on the box and returned it to where it stayed.

The door opened and Anna stepped in, "Elsa" she stopped mesmerized by how she looked "You look so - " she paused, looking for a word to fit exactly what she meant to say "Different?"


Elsa couldn't help but smile, "You and your flattering words." She teased nudging her a bit "I'm serious you should let your hair down more often it suits you." She said, "You look so fine too." Elsa said pointing on Anna's dress.

"Well, long sleeves are something I've wanted to try on for a while now." She said then widened her eyes upon realization "We must be on our way now it's only a few minutes before dinner begins."

They both nodded and went out of the door; Elsa looked behind her then gave out a sigh before closing the door and proceeded with Anna.

A/N The image above is my depiction of what Elsa's dress would look for tonight's banquet and forgive me if it lacks details for I am no professional artist. I also thank those who are still reading this fan fiction, you don't know how much it means to me that even though I've left you for almost a year you still choose to read and for that I am grateful and to show my gratitude; unconditionally will be ending soon. That would be all for now. I love you all.

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