Chapter 14

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Hans made it to town square, he noticed that Elsa still wasn't there, "Hmm I guess she's lost"Hans smirked.

Then out of nowhere, Vestel jumped over Hans and Sitron , Elsa pulled Vestel's bridle to make her stop for a moment, then she faced Hans, he was dumb folded with a shock expression, she blurted her tongue at him, then she whipped the bridle and continued to ride, "Challenge accepted"Hans mumbled "Hya"he yelled and whipped Sitron's bridle and followed her.

They continued to ride into the forests, Elsa felt free riding a horse, then she took her tie off her hair, making her hair fly in the wind, Hans was catching up on her.

Then he gazed at Elsa "Woah"Hans said mesmerized at her, Then Elsa gazed at her left and saw Hans, she smirked at him, then it slowly faded away "Hans!! Watch out for that..."before she could finish her sentence.

Hans got hit by a branch on the face and fell off from Sitron, Elsa whipped Vestel's bridle to make her faster, then she blocked Sitron making him stop, then she grabbed Sitron's bridle and pulled him to follow her.

she went back to Hans, he sat up and rubbed his face "Ouch"he groaned, then he saw Elsa with the two horses "I thought you were an expert at equestrianism"Elsa teased and went down from Vestel.

"I was an accident...I didn't see that coming"Hans defended himself "You should watch where your face is heading...seriously look at your left a red mark"Elsa exclaimed.

"Red mark?"Hans asked "is it bleeding"Hans asked "Well...its not bleeding...but its a minor scratch"Elsa answered, Hans groaned "I think we should go back to the castle"Elsa suggested "Its just a scratch"Hans answered.

"Yeah...but if you want to stay handsome...we better treat this before it gets worse"Elsa answered, then her eyes widened when she realized what she just said, Hans squinted "What"Hans asked, Elsa shook her head and grabbed his hand.

she pulled him up "come on"Elsa answered and headed to Vestel, she climbed up and gazed at Hans, who was climbing up, then they rode back to the castle.

Hans went to his room, he headed to the mirror, "Oh looks awful"he exclaimed, then he heard a knock at the door, he sat down on his bed "Who is it"he asked "Its me...Elsa"Elsa answered and went in, she went in with a tray of medical stuff.

she gave a little smile and approached him, she placed the tray on the bed and sat next to him, she sighed and took a cotton, then she dipped it on a bowl of peroxide, she squeezed it slightly, then she faced him.

She noticed that he wasn't giving any eye contact, she pushed his bangs on the side and placed the cotton on his scratch, he twitched "son of a..."he groaned and shut his eyes in pain, Elsa saw him struggling "sorry"Elsa whispered.

Hans opened one eye and glared at Elsa, then he took a deep breath and closed his eye again, then she removed the cotton and placed it back on the tray, she grabbed one cotton bud and squeezed some revitol cream on it.

then she placed it on the sanitized area and rolled it all over, he bit his lip "its cool"he admitted still not opening his eyes, Elsa smiled "it means its working"she told him.

then she took a gauze and wrapped it on the area, then she taped it " it doesn't look bad"she assured him, he opened his eyes and tapped his forehead, "Don't touch'll infect it"Elsa warned him, He pouted his lip and crossed his arms, then Elsa fixed his bangs, he cleared his throat.

"What's wrong"Elsa asked "Mom alert"Hans mumbled and rolled his eyes, Elsa sighed and stood up carrying the tray " I suppose you can get by a day without any help"Elsa said and headed to the door "don't even dare to get out of the castle without my permission"Elsa added.

Hans watched her as she went out, after she did, he sighed and slowly laid on his bed, he stared at the ceiling blankly "I don't deserve her love even though how badly I want to"he mumbled.

Elsa went to the infirmary and placed the tray there, then she headed to her room, she went to the balcony, she leaned on the handle and gazed at the kingdom, she smiled at the view, she really wanted to explore the place, she's been here for almost four days and she still hasn't went out, earlier she was so excited to explore.

But she had to take Hans back to the castle, so his scratch won't affect his face, "why am I so worried about him getting hurt"she thought, them she continued to daydream, she just loved the feeling earlier, she's never felt so free since she escaped to the north mountain.

She loved how the wind flew her hair into the air, it felt freedom for her, still earlier, she was curious why Hans was shutting her out a little and since when did she care about his handsome face.

Am I falling for him?...

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