Chapter 26

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This chapter is taking the story to a whole new world.

A dazzling place my tator thots have never known.

But when we are way up here, it's crystal clear.

Okay sorry. -Tots

"No mother, it's just food poisoning" I rolled my eyes into the phone. "I do not need to go to the doctor. I'll be fine."

"You would think such an establishment wouldn't cause customers to get food poisoning. How disappointing." I could imagine her pursing her lips through the phone.

"Yes, I know. So devastating."

I hung up the phone and laid my forehead against the cool tile of the bathroom. I was suppose to be meeting with my realtor to find the perfect apartment, but that obviously wasn't going to happen now. My phone buzzed and I looked at the caller ID to see that it read lily.

"Hello?" I groaned into the speaker.

"Hey boo thing, I heard you were sick. Do you need your favorite fairy squad mother to come make it better?" She spoke casually into the phone.

"Fairy what?"

"Squad mother. I'm the mother of our squad."

"Is that an American thing?"

"Oh, Nevermind that you stupid foreigner." Lily sighed. "Need me to bring you some ginger ale or something?"

"No, I'm sure it's just a little stomach bug." I felt my stomach lurch as I said that.

"Are you pregnant?" She asked jokingly.

"What? That's ridic... Fuck." I groaned, realizing that Carson and I hadn't exactly practiced safe sex the first time we had done it. "Do you think..?"

"I'll be right over." The line immediately went dead.

Within thirty minutes lily had let herself into the apartment, her coat partially unbuttoned as if she had really rushed to cone over. She held a brown paper bag, throwing it into my hands as she kicked off her shoes. "The dude at the supermarket was judging me so hardcore."

"This is bloody stupid Lily." I groaned as she pushed me into the bathroom with the brown paper bag in my hands.

"No it's not. Carson and you got it on, unprotected. You have to take the pregnancy test." She wasn't going to give up. I knew that I needed to take the damn test, since i was stupid enough to not question Carson about a condom the first time we had sex. Or the time after that. Or the other times...

I opened the bag, pulling out the three boxes. They weren't cheap tests either. After peeing on each stick, which was harder than I thought, I invited lily back into the room to watch them with me.

"Fuck, this isn't good." I groaned.

"Oh Luce, the results haven't even show yet." My favorite blonde tried to comfort me as we watched the first test begin to slow results. Finally all three finished and we looked at them, and I burst out into tears.

"They're all positive!" I cried, lily pulling me into her arms to comfort me. "What am I going to do?"

"Whatever you want to do, Lucy." Lily held me while I sobbed. "There are tons of options."

"I already know what im going to do, but what do I tell Carson?" That had honestly been my main concern. What would he think? Would he want me to terminate the pregnancy? I wasn't against abortion but I knew that it just wasn't for me. I had a very generous trust fund, so if it came down to it I would just be able to do everything on my own. I didn't even know what to say to my mom. Oh hey remember my boyfriend who you think is rude and uncivilized? Yeah well he knocked me up.

"Have more faith in Carson. He loves kids and he loves you. Sure this is a huge surprise but it will all work out. It's not like you're in high school." I nodded at Lily's words.

"Don't fucking tell anyone!"

"Of course I won't." Lily definitely understood me lashing out at her, since she didn't show it effected her.

"I think I need to take a nap or something. I'll see you tonight." We said our goodbyes and I sunk into my bed, not looking towards to the next week.

I was having a baby.


I ended up visiting my doctors office, just to confirm what I already knew. After taking a urine test, I was given a quick sonogram to determine how far along I had been.

"Miss Graves, you are definitely pregnant. About 7 weeks." Dr Short, my obgyn, confirmed. "Did you want to discuss all of the options?"

"No. I already know what I'm going to do. I just don't know how to tell my friends and family." I sighed.

"I know this is a huge change, but don't beat yourself up over it too much. I would start with talking to the father."

My mood turned sour. "That's the person I'm dreading speaking to the most."

Yes I know, I knocked up Lucy (well Carson did but I made him)

Tell me what you guys think! I can either continue down this path of Prego eggo for a few more chapters or we can finish up the story asap.

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