Chapter 1

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"Oh my gosh, Jessica! I do NOT have a crush on Michael!" I said, looking at Michael seeming sad. Does he...?

-5 months earlier-

Hey, I'm Mal. My best friends are Jessica Wilson, Emily Pearson, Camdyn Tollett, and Austin Hurley. I never understood what they were talking about when they said "5 Seconds of Summer". I asked them what "5 Seconds of Summer" was. "OH!MY!GOD! YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT 5-SAUCE IS?!?" Cam said. She always dropped the f-bomb when she yelled. "No... am I supposed to?" I asked. Emily always tried to calm down Camdyn when she yelled. I kept asking what 5 Seconds of Summer was until I met Jess. Jess talked about these 4 guys. One of them being my brother. Their names were Michael Clifford, Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood, and my brother, Luke Hemmings. Luke never talked about what he did, or who he was friends with. I never knew Michael, Ashton, or Calum. I don't think they knew about me either. Jess didn't know I was Luke's brother until... "YOU'RE BROTHER NEVER TALKED ABOUT 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER?!?!?!" Camdyn yelled. "Umm... no...." I said, really confused. It was mid day at school, and I met this girl names Jessica. We became best friends. We were also neighbors, so yay! I walked home with Jess. Turns out she was best friends with Luke and just friends with Luke's friends. When we got home, I saw that Luke was home with 3 other guys. "Hey, Lu- Who are these people?" I said. "Oh this is M-" "Michael, Calum, and Ashton, right? Michael Clifford, Ashton Irwin, and Calum Hood?" I said. Interrupting Luke. "Yeah... how did you know?" Luke asked, not seeing Jessica. "Oh my god! Hi Jess!" One of them said. He ran up to Jessica, hugging her. He had black or dark brown hair with some blonde highlights. I'm guessing his name is Calum because Jessica said: "Calum! I haven't seen you in FOREVER! I'm so glad you're back!" "Back? Where did they go?" I asked clearly not knowing what my own brother did in his free time. "You didn't know? Wow... your own brother not telling you about any of this.. Luke! You gotta tell your sister about this stuff! Especially when it's about the band you're in!" Band? Luke's in a BAND?!? So.. Is THIS 5 Seconds of Summer? Is my brother....? Luke's friends all said "SISTER?!?" At the same time. How did they not know I was his sis- oh yeah... he never talks about me. He never has talked about me to his friends. And how come I've never known about his friends? Out of all of the people in the house right now, I'm liking Luke, Jessica, and the one with the pink hair the most. And not just as friends. More than that. I never really talked about who I had a crush on because I "didn't have any crushes". I told myself that I didn't like anyone. Not one single person. I never told anyone if I was straight, lesbian, or bisexual, even though they asked me multiple times "Are you straight, lesbian, or bisexual?" I never responded because it's personal to me. I guess I am bisexual... Oh well. I can like whoever I want now. No need to worry. I'm- "Oh, I'm Calum, by the way. Just call me Cal." The one with the blonde highlights said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm Ashton! If you want, you can call me Ash." He winked at me after saying that, and the one with the pink hair must have not liked that because he started getting mad. Calum had to calm him down. "I'm Michael! I honestly don't care if you call me Mikey or not!" He said, not sounding mad at all. "You look like a little kitten!" I said, looking at Michael then at Luke, who seemed mad after I said that. "Well... people do call me kitten for a reason." He said, making Luke, Calum, Jessica, and Ashton say "Michael!" at the same time. "Luke... Why didn't you tell me you were in a band? Did you not want me to become a crazy fan-girl?" "Umm... Mal, I didn't... It's not that I didn't want you to become a fan-girl. It's just that I don't want you to become one of the fans that would... go crazy for anything that relates to the band. I don't want a girl that's obsessed with 5 Seconds of Summer in this household. So, please... don't be that person. I know that if you were in a band or a popular singer, you wouldn't want someone who's obsessed with you in this house, would you?" Luke asked, making sense for basically the first time in his life. "Yeah. I don't want that to happen. But, Luke! Why couldn't you at least tell me you were in a band? Or where you were going and why you were gone for at least 3 months at a time?" I said.

-2 hours later-

We were at the beach. Calum was with Jessica, and Luke was with Ashton. I hear Michael yell "LASHTON!!!!" I hear footsteps coming to me seconds later.

"Ummm... Mal?" He said. "Yeah?" I said, not looking him in the eyes. "I know we just met, but..."


Hey! It's Ash! My name is Malley, but I'll go by Mal or Ash, and I thought since the person who's POV this is going to be in (most of the time)'s name is Mal (not names after me. It's just the name that popped into mind.), I would just go with Ash. I will be updating this (hopefully) once or twice a week. I've been reading 5SOS fanfictions a lot lately, so I decided to make one of my own. If you want a fanfiction of the one of the other people (or one that has two of them in it that "Mal" is crushing on. I will have different names for each person, so it's not always gonna be Mal. It WILL always be Jessica, Camdyn, Emily, and Austin will change to a random name that I feel like should be someone's best friend.), comment on Wattpad, or on G+ if you came through there, and you feel like going on that. (Google+ = DarkQueen Mal ) <-- in case you wanted to know. Who is there, and what will he say? You guess! If I like one of your guesses, I will put it in here! If it happens to be something like: '"I know we just met, but... do you want to get some icecream?" I looked over to see Michael, really wanting icecream.' Then I'll put it in here if I like it. I will also give you credit. I'm not going to take anyone's suggestions on who says it, and what they say if: 1. it's the same thing I said, and/or 2. It's something that would make it a Luke fanfic, or a Calum fanfic, or an Ashton fanfic. OR I might just use what I was going to say. I'm still gonna give a shout-out to those who I like that last part to finish out as. I also notice that people use Jessica a lot. I had this in mind before reading the fan-fictions, but I'm only JUST making the actual fan-fiction around 3 months after I thought about making one. One of these chapters is gonna be either something about Michael singing his part of a song that's about Mal, or where Mal has to sing on stage, and there will be this certain song, or both! Tell me which one you want! Michael singing a song that was meant for Mal, or Mal and Michael doing a duet! If you want one of these in this, comment which one, and what song. For the second option, choose a 5SOS song that's about a girl. For the first one, choose one that you think would be appropriate for 2 people to sing when they both have a crush on each other. Or some song like "Love Story" or "Teardrops On My Guitar" (Those are the two songs that came to mind, and they happened to be Taylor Swift songs.)

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