Chapter 2

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"Will you...." "OH MY GOD!!!!" I couldn't hear what he said because one of my friends saw me with him. He is her favorite. I didn't know what he said, so I asked him what he said. "What did you say? I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you." I said, still not looking at him. "I wanted to know if-" "MAL?!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THE BEACH?!!? YOU NEVER COME TO THE BEACH!!!" I heard Emily screaming at me. I'm guessing she didn't realize Michael was there. I'm also going to say that he (meaning the one who is trying to talk) is pissed because I heard him sigh. Loudly. "Em!" I say, not looking at him, just running to Emily before yelling at her. "What the hell, Em! He was trying to say something!" I say, pointing to where he sat. I looked over to him and smiled. The next thing I heard was Camdyn screaming. "OH MY FREAKING GOD! MAL?!?! YOU'RE AT THE BEACH?!!?" "PEOPLE! LEAVE ME ALONE! LET ME TALK TO HIM!" I say while running back to the shore. "Mal?" He says. (wait to know who it is) "Yes? What did you wanna talk about, Cutie?" I say looking at the ocean during that last part. "'Cutie'? You've never called me that before. Well, I mean. We just met. Why would you- nevermind... I just wanted to ask.... Will you...." He said sighing before going to speak when I talked, making him not talk. "Michael, baby, what do you want to ask me?" "Will you.. G-go out w-with-" "Yes." I said, before he could finish. I saw tears form in his eyes. "What's wrong? Do you want a hug?" I asked. "Yes." I hugged Michael, and he whispered a quiet "Thank you, Mal" in my ear, making me smile. "Mal? Can you come here for a moment?" I heard someone yell to me. I pull away from Michael, who still has tears in his eyes. I've never seen him cry, and I'm guessing the others haven't either because they all asked Michael if he was okay. "What, Cam?" I said, obviously sounding mad at Camdyn and Emily. "Have you seen Austin?" I heard both Em and Cam say at the same time. "No. Does he know your at the beach." I ask. "Yeah. I texted him, and he said 'okay', but I don't know where he is. He's not texting me back. I really want to know where he is." Camdyn said. "Do you... have a crush on him? You haven't stopped talking about him. You never say anything about how Luke is my brother, and how lucky you think I am for having him as my brother. You said you would die if your friend was Luke's brother or sister. I'm Luke's freaking twin sister. You haven't said a single thing about it. And that's only because I said it right when you met Austin." I said really thinking Camdyn likes Austin. "Well... you like Emily!" She said. "I DO NOT! I LOVE EMILY AS A BEST FRIEND! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO LIKES YOUR BEST FRIEND AS A BOYFRIEND!" I yelled at her quickly running back to Luke to ask him where Michael was. He gave me a weird look. I've never asked him where anyone was because I always asked Austin. "Look, I don't know where Austin is, and I usually ask him, but you should know where he is. And Austin doesn't know I know Michael. He doesn't know that you are my brother, he doesn't know that I know Calum, and he doesn't know that I know Ashton. He thinks I don't know about this '5 Seconds of Summer' thing, and I don't. So, can you please just tell me where Michael is?" I say very quickly. "Yeah... he went back to the house. Why was he crying? He's never cried in front of anyone before. Not even us." "I don't know why he was crying, Luke! I just looked over to him, and he was crying. I gave him a hug, but he was still crying. He wouldn't tell me why he was crying. I'm going to go find Michael now, bye." I said kinda mad. I ran to Luke's car, and saw a picture of Michael. He is so freaking cute!! I gotta go home now. I need to find Michael.

-2 minutes later-

I'm glad we live near the beach. Now it's time to go find Michael, and ask him why he was crying. Did he not like me? Why was he crying? I got into the house after grabbing the hidden key. I guess Michael knew where it was because he was inside on the couch, still crying. I ran over to him, and hugged him tightly. "Michael, why are you crying? Please tell me! Michael, please? Did I do something?" I asked, not letting go of him. Michael sat up and said "You did nothing, Mal. It's just that... I thought you hated me. When you saw me for the first time, you avoided me. You wouldn't even get close to me. I thought you thought I was crazy. The tears are mainly just tears of joy..." He said, tears still running down his face. "Michael! I would never hate you! And, by the way, I take it offensive that you thought I would hate you because I thought you were crazy. I love crazy people! And, Michael.. You may be crazy, but I will always love you. Unless you turn out to be a serial killer. Then I will hate you, and never speak to you again. So, if you love me, and you don't want to lose me, don't become a serial killer." I said seriously. Wait... 'mainly'? What did he mean by... 'mainly'? Michael laughed, and I told him that I was being serious. "I love you, Mal. I want another hug." Michael said, hugging me. "I'm so glad that I know why you were crying. Luke wanted to know why you were crying." I said. "I was also crying because of your friend..." He added. "What about my friend?" I asked, looking really confused. "Well, um.. When we were in 1st grade, me and Camdyn were best friends, and I liked her. I never told anyone because I had never felt that way, and I had no friends, besides her, of course. Nobody liked me back then, besides her. Even then, I don't think she liked me... I'm just glad she doesn't remember me. I cried because of the things she called me back then... She was my best friend one day, and the next day is when she started to call me a loser and a freak a lot." He said, tears coming back into his eyes. "No, Michael, don't cry. It's in the past. She's not like that anymore. She actually wants to meet you now! She doesn't remember you at all! She said you're an adorable little kitten! When we were in 6th grade, she said something about you. I remember it like it was yesterday...

Stay With Me ~ A Michael Clifford fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now