Chapter 10: What Happened To Michael?!

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SOOOOOO SORRY FOR DA LATEEEEEE UPDATE! I WAS TRYING TO FINISHING THIS BOOK (that I already finished) AND I HAD TO FINISH THE CHAPTER, AND THE FACT THAT MY FRIEND SKYPE CALLED ME SO MUCH DIDN'T HELP! Here's your chapter! (ignore the name... you'll find out what happened to him in the NEXT chapter...)

"I'm glad about that. When's the concert?" I ask. "Tonight." Michael responds. "Cool!" I shout. Michael then grabs me and starts to kiss me. "I love you, Mal." He says. "I love you too, Kitty." I say. "Okay, the concert is in 2 hours. So you need to have everything you want." Michael says. "Okay. I'll go change into the clothes I'm wearing to the concert later. I wanna stay with you for an hour. Then we can get ready." I say. Michael agrees to let me stay for an hour, and we play video games. Well, that and I let Michael talk about Pokemon. *An hour later* "Awww... it's been an hour." I say as my phone's alarm goes off. "I set a timer because I knew if I didn't, I would have stayed longer than an hour, and we would miss the concert." I say. "See you later. You go home, and don't come back until I text you, okay?" Michael says. "Okay!" I say. I run home and get into my outfit. It's an ATL shirt, ripped skinny jeans, and black converse. I put my hair up in a ponytail and decide to dye it. Again. I have blonde hair with pink tips, and I kinda don't like it that much anymore. I decide to dye my hair blue with bright, or neon, pink tips. It only takes 5 minutes, and I hop in the shower. My hair is clean, and I'm all done. I put on my clothes and walk into my room to find my converse. I put my hair up in a ponytail, and put on makeup. Not a lot. I also put on purple lipstick then head out. While I was walking to Ashton's house, Michael told me that I was able to go to his place. 'Okie! <3 ya!' I knock on Ashton's door, and he opens it. "Woah." Ash says. "Michael's taking me to an ATL concert, and I wanted to know if this looks okay. I assume Luke is still here?" I say, hearing Luke talking to, I think, Calum. "Uhh, yeah, he's talking to Calum at the moment." Ash says. Knew it. I go up to Ash's room and walk in. "Luke?" I say. "Hold on. Hay- woah. You dyed your hair." Luke says. "Yeah. I gotta go in a moment. Michael's looking for me. We're going to an ATL concert. Do you think he'll like it? The outfit. And the hair." I say. "Yeah. Trust me, he'll love it." Luke says. I give Luke a hug then run to Michael's house. I knock on the door then come in. "Hey, Kitty Cat!" I say. "Hello there, beautiful." Michael says. "So... you like my hair?" I say, showing him my hair that was in a ponytail. "Oh my god. I didn't see that. It's so... AMAZING! I love it!" He says. "How 'bout the outfit." I say. "Love it as well." Michael says. "So... you wanna leave now to go to the concert?" I ask. "Yep. Oh, we're getting you some merch. Well, and me." Michael says. "Okay. I'm fine with that." I say. We get to the concert, and I'm really excited. (A person posted this in the 5SOS Fam G+ community, and I loved it, so it's going in here. Her G+ is +RabXx Gaming) Me and Mikey are walking to an ATL concert and he was getting some merch for me. "Mal! Look!" Mikey saw a kitten behind the merch stand and caught it. "Aww, Mikey, can we name him Clifford?" I ask. "Sure" Mikey said as we walked into the arena. It was about 30 minutes itno the concert and Mikey was still not back from the bathroom. I tried to call him, and then I saw him on stage. "Everybody, Michael Clifford wants to say something on this special night, please." Alex said, stepping out of the way. "Mal, the reason I took you to this concert was for a special night to remember, and since this is the last night to be fun and weird, also crazy, I just want to ask you...." He says, pausing. I get tears in my eyes as he says the words. The 13 words I've waited so long to hear. "Malley Nichole Hemmings, will you be my lovely wife and marry me?" My eyes brighten and I jump on stage putting on the diamond Pikachu ring. (So Michael) "Yes, yes, YES!" I scream and I then kissed Michael. Everyone, including all members from All Time Low, clapped and the crowd screamed. This is the best night ever. (Not the exact words she used, but I needed to change some cuz she used '(Y/N)' and I didn't want to just... use it word-for-word on what she did because it's hers. Not mine.) Alex started talking, and he said that we could sing the last song with them. The last song is my favorite ATL song. Dear Maria Count Me In. Alex starts singing, and the crowd doesn't sing. Instead, they let Michael and I sing the song. In fact, Alex told the band that we were going to sing it ourselves and they wouldn't sing anything, besides Alex starting it off for us. Me and Michael sang the song, and the crowd went wild. "This is actually the best night of my life." I say into the microphone. "So far..." Michael said, not so much into the mic. I was trying not to laugh. Alex laughed and told the crowd that the show was over. Well, that and that it was the last show of the year. I mean, it's almost Christmas. Only 3 days. Well, 3 days, 3 hours, and 5 minutes 'til Christmas. (I didn't wanna do the ACTUAL time 'til Christmas [that it is at the moment] cuz I know it would be shorter than that when I post this) "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" I shout in the microphone. The crowd shouts it back at me. Me and Alex laugh a little to that as we head off stage. Me and Michael are able to go backstage as Alex has allowed us to. "This is honestly the best ring in the world" I say. Michael laughs a little to himself. "Where'd you get it?" I ask. "Online..." Mikey says. I get a text from Austin, Camdyn, and Em. 'Oh my god! I was at the show, and I wanted to say congrats!' Camdyn texted me. 'OMH! You're now married to Michael Gordon Clifford! Too bad I can't marry Calum...' Em texted me. 'Wait... you're MARRIED?!? Camdyn told me. So did Em. OMG CONGRATZ!' Austin texted me. I laugh as I read the texts. "What's so funny?" Alex asked. That's the first time he talked since we got back here. "Camdyn and Emily saw the concert, and Camdyn told Austin that I got married, and they all said congratulations. It's actually one of the sweetest things ever. ONE." I say, looking at Michael when I said 'one'. "What's the other?" Jack asked. "My little adorable kitten, of course. The one who's name is Michael. Not Clifford." I say. "Although Clifford is cute." Michael says. "Well yeah, of course he's cute. You found him. And his name is Clifford, I mean, how can he not be cute?" I say. "I dunno." Michael said. We all talk for about an hour before I get a text from Luke that mom wants to talk to me. "Ughh.. Liz wants to talk to me... Mikey, can you drive me home?" I say. "of course, baby." He says. I smile at him calling me 'baby' even though I hated that name when I was younger. Michael drives me home, and he goes back to his house. I walk inside and Liz, as well as Luke, is waiting for me. "Yeah?" I ask. "I heard you got married..." Liz says. "When I was in the crowd, I saw Luke making out with what looked like Arzalyea." I say, looking at Luke. As soon as I said her name, he got all defensive. "Hey, I am not dating that trashcan. She's a piece of sh-" "Luke. I saw what I saw. Oh, and so did a fan. I looked around, and I saw two people making out. Then I heard a fan scream 'what the fuck' then they stopped. So, uhh... don't give me the 'oh shes a piece of shit' crap. Cuz we all know it's not true." I say. "Don't swear!" I hear Ashton say. "Ashton's here as well?! Ya know what, I'm out. Bye." I say, leaving the house. "Hey! Don't just leave!" Ashton shouts from Luke's window. "Bye, Ash!" I say, not looking at him. I run to Calum's house because I know that if Cal Isn't there, I'd be alone. That or one of my friends, other than 5SOS friends, would be there. I knock on the door then come inside. Cal's here. "Cal?" I say. "Mal? What are you doing here?" He says, closing his laptop. "Why'd you just close your laptop when I came in here?" I ask. "No reason..." He says, getting up. "Okay then.." I say. "Why'd you come here?" Cal asks. "Liz wanted to talk to me, and Luke and Ash were there. When I heard Ash was there, I decided to leave cuz nothing was going to go right with him there." I said. "Okay then. So, I see you came to my house." Cal said. "Yeah. I knew that if you weren't here, it would either be Cam, Em, or Jess, or nobody, here so..." I say. "Why didn't you go to Michael's?" He asked. "Cuz he went to hang out with Alex Gaskarth." I said. "Oh. Well... You can stay here until he gets back." Cal says. "Okay. I'll be right back. I left my laptop at Michael's." I say. "Ummm... can I go with you?" Cal asks. "I guess. Why do you want to go?" I asked. "Reasons." Cal said. "Okay. We're walking though." I said. "Fine by me." Cal said. Cal got up and we walked to Michael's house.I grabbed my laptop and Cal grabbed something. I don't know what it is. "Why did you need to come here with me?" I asked. "Michael had something of mine." He said. "Am I allowed to see what it is?" I asked. "Ummm... no." Cal said. Just then I remembered that Mikey said Cal left a box here. I looked inside the box and found... cigarettes... "Give me a second, I think I left something else here." I said. I went to Michael's room. I looked on Michael's dresser and saw no box. He took the box. "Calum. I thought you said you weren't going to anymore..." I said. He didn't even look at what I was holding, which was a box of matches that he left. "I never promised on that... and you wouldn't leave me alone. Also, I was drunk. You gotta just let me do the things I do, and I'll let you do the things you do." Cal says. I hate it when he does this to me. First, he said he wasn't going to do ANYTHING with Ashton, and I end up finding out Cashton is real when I go out for a walk. Then, he tells me he's not going to let Ashton go ANYWHERE without Cal being there. And what do I find when I go home? Ashton fucking Irwin. Now this? Don't get me started on this... "Cal, you've already done this to me 2 other times... This is the third time you've done this to me, and I need you to stop." I say. "Fine." Cal says. I walk by Cal and snatch the box of cigarettes from Calum's hand. "I'm not letting you go anywhere without Ashton going with you. If you ever smoke another cigarette, I swear I'm not kidding, I will find out, and you will pay for that." I say, and with that, I walk to the door and tell Calum he has to leave. I decided that I'd just stay here while Mikey's gone. I mean, he's stayed at my house, so why can't I stay at his? Just then I get a call... From a number I recognize to be the hospital. "Hello? It this Malley Hemmings?" The nurse. I guess she remembered by the name that she shouldn't call me Malley. "Sorry. Mal Hemmings?" She said. "Yes, it is. What's wrong with Michael?" I say, worried. "All I can tell you at the moment is that you need to come hospital." The nurse said. And with that, I hung up the phone and rushed into Michael- my shirt. I rush to the hospital and find Michael's nurse waiting outside. "Where's-" "Follow me." The nurse said, cutting me off. I followed the nurse to a room. "Your boyfriend is waiting in there for you." The nurse said. "Thank you. And he's my husband now." I say, walking into the room. "Sorry about that. Congrats though!" The nurse said. She seems nice. "Thank you!" I say. I turn to Michael. Just then a song came on. It sounded like... Calum? And... Luke? "She sleeps alone. My heart wants to come home. I wish I was, I wish I was... beside you." Michael starts softly singing at that point. But he changes the lyrics. And the words that Luke and Cal are singing fade away. All I hear is Mikey's voice and the instruments playing. Like this was planned to happen. "You lie away. I'm tryna find the words to say. I wish I was, I wish I was... beside you." Then I realized that Michael was in bed and couldn't talk. He had texted me. I had changed my ringtone as soon as I got the call for me to come to the hospital. I thought me and Michael were going to live a happy life with NO trips to the hospital because of me or him. I guess I was wrong. Well, life isn't perfect. It never is... Never has been, and never will be. I read the text.

Mikey <3 : I can't speak. Something happened, and I can no longer speak. I don't know if I'll be able to speak for a while, so... I won't be able to go to any 5SOS concerts, and I won't be able to record songs with the guys. If you wouldn't mind doing this for me... would you please do me a favor and replace me for the time being?

Mal <3 : OMH I'm SO sorry that you can't speak! I wish you could... If it's just that you can't speak, you can still come to the concerts! You just can't sing. If you're able to walk and do everything fine, but can't speak, then you could still play the guitar! I can't play guitar for the life of me. And I'm 100% okay with having to memorize the lyrics to almost all of your songs. Just be expecting to hear me sing them a lot... TBH, I've already memorized the lyrics to English Love Affair...

Mikey <3 : OMH? And it's okay. I wish I could speak too! I can play guitar and move around. I just can't speak. If you were wondering what happened, I was driving to my house because I knew you were going to be there and this idiot didn't want to wait for me, so he just ran into my car... and I think it's cool that you wouldn't mind memorizing the lyrics to out songs. I also think it's cool that you've memorized the lyrics to ELA!

Mal <3 : YOU HAD A CAR RUN INTO YOUR CAR?!?! Wtf happened out there?

*'Mikey <3 is typing...'*

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