Meeting An Old Friend Again- Chapter 11

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*'Mikey <3 is typing...'*

*Beep.. beep... beep....*

*Beep... beep... beep...*

"What's going on?" I ask. "Move back. I'll go grab the nurces." The nice lady who brought me in here said. "Wait!" I say before she leaves. "What?" She says nicely. "What's your name? I never got it..." I say. She smiles. "Pam and Sam! I need you two in here!" she yells. "Malory." she says, looking at me. "I'm Mal. Mal Clifford, as you already know." I say. Just then, two ladies, looking to be in their mid-twenties, walked into the room. I'm guess they're Pam and Sam... One of them had blonde hair, and the other had brown hair. I swear I'd seen the brown haired one before somewhere... "Are you fam-" "Yes." I say, cutting one of the nurces off. "How are you related? Wife, sister...?" The blonde one said. "She's his wife, Sam." Malory said. So the blonde one is Sam. The other one has to be Pam then. "Would you mind sitting over there?" Pam says, pointing with her head to a bench kinda close to Michael. I sat down on the bench while the two nurces looked at Michael. About two minutes later, the Pam came over to me. "He's in a coma. Don't worry, it won't last very long, and he might wake up with Amnesia..." she said. I nodded and she went to walk away, but before she went back to Michael, she turned around. "Just a quick question: Has this happened to Michael before?" Pam asked. "No... Not that I know of... We've been dating for about 6 months now, and he recently asked me if I wanted to marry him. I, obviously, said yes." I said, showing her the ring I got. "Congrats on that!" Pam says, not actually excited but she tried... She TRIED. After that, Pam walked back to Michael. Malory walked over to me because she thought something was wrong. "Are you okay, Mal?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm fine... just a bit confused is all..." I say. I told her the truth.. I really am confused. "Okay... do you need anything? Ya know, this hospital has a food court. You can go buy yourself some food. It'll be free just for you." She said. I know what she meant was that she was going to pay for it herself, but I was hungry, so I went with her to go buy me some food. "Tacos?" She asked. "Sure.." I say. She orded for herself and asked me what I wanted. "Regular taco with some cheese." I say to her. She tells the casheer, and asks if I want sauce. "2 packets per taco." I say. That means I'm getting 6 packets. Or 3 tacos. After waiting for about 5 minutes, I get my tacos and Malory gets two large cups. She lets me get a drink, and she grabs herself some Pepsi. I get some Dr. Peper. "You didn't have to do this, Malory." I say. "I know. I just wanted to. I'm a good friend, right?" She asks. I just laugh and we walk back to Michael's room. Malory and I talk a little in his room before I get up to leave. I say something quietly to Michael, and I guess Malory heard it... "Don't worry, hun.... he'll wake up soon..." She says, leaning her head on my shoulder. We just stand there for a while until I decide to leave. I tell Malory that I'm going to leave and she stops me. "Wait... I-" She stops talking for a moment. I give her a confused look. "I like you..." She says, stopping again. "So could I get your number and we can be friends?" She finishes quickly. "Okay..." I say, still confused. I give her my number and she texts me instantly. 'Sooo... what's my name gonna be?' I read her text and look at her for a moment. "I really gotta go... I'll text you in a sec." I say. I really am just gonna text her in my car and not drive until I text her. After that, I won't pick up the phone while I'm driving. Just then, I get a text from Michael's phone. I got confused. Malory was the only one in his room. Why would she do this? I get to a McDonalds and park there to look at the text.

Mikey <3: 'Hey, uhhh... This is Malory, and Michael's heart just started beating normally... He'll be out of the coma in like 2 weeks... Sorry that I used Mikey's phone... I literally lost mineee... nice nick-name btw!'

Mal <3: 'MALORY! I LITERALLY STOPPED AT A MCDONALDS JUST TO READ THAT?!?! YOU COULDN'T HAVE WAITED FOR ABOUT 5 MINUTES?!!? and how did you ALREADY loose your phone? You JUST had it! And thx, btw.'

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