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I apologize in advance that this is up late. My sister wanted to play minecraft w/ me, and she made me stop writing this to play MC with her. SO SORRY! ALSO: THIS IS FREAKING LONG


So me and Luke grab some of our stuff and we begin to leave. I just can't stop crying. When me and Luke got into the car, Luke started to talk to me before leaving. "Mal, there was nothing on your phone. Like, no texts. None. Look." Luke said, handing me my phone. I got a text as soon as I grabbed my phone. "Oh my god. Luke..." I said before handing my phone over to him quickly. "Mal... she... she..." "She what? Luke! She what?" "She.... she's my ex... she had died two years ago. The boys wish that my current girlfriend ended up like my ex... They don't like Arzy..." (I don't remember how to spell it, and I say someone call her Arzy before... don't question me...) Luke said, giving me my phone and looking to his lap. "Luke... the fans don't seem to like her either, but don't worry. The fam doesn't like Arzy because they are jealous. (NOT ACTUALLY! I don't like Arzy, but I'm not jealous. I just couldn't think of anything that would make the fam not like her, and that's the first thing that came to mind) If you were dating someone different, not Michael, Cal, or Ashton, they would still not like that person. If you dated one of the guys, however, they would just stop shipping you with Cal, Mikey, AND Ash and just ship you with who you would be dating. Actually, they would still ship you with the others... Also, how do you know if this is your ex when it has no name on it? It's anonymous..." I said, looking at Luke confused at the last part. "I just do... I know how she texts... See that dash?" Luke says, pointing to a dash in the text. "She puts that at the end of every single text. She's the only person who does that. Sometimes she gave herself a different name, but I would always figure out it was her. What's the number?" Luke said, taking my phone away. "It's umm..." "OMG! THAT'S MY EX GIRLFRIEND! MAL, WE NEED TO LEAVE! NOW!" Luke yelled. Michael ran outside when I screamed. I'm guessing I screamed too loudly? "MICHAEL!" I yelled, wanting to get out of Luke's car and run up to Michael. "Mal! What's wrong? Why'd you scream?" Michael asked, making me cry more than what I was before. "Michael... I gotta go.... and I don't think I'm coming back." I said, hoping this was just a bad dream. "I'm coming with you then." Michael said. What Luke said next made my heart drop 1000 times more than when I had the nightmare about Michael killing himself. I woke up screaming after that nightmare. That was back when I liked Calum... that seemed like years ago when it was only a couple of months ago... "Michael.. I'm so sorry to say this, but.... you can't come with us. She said she came back-" "She? Who's 'she'?" Michael yelled. "Shit..." Luke mumbled... "I'm so so so so so sorry, Mal." Luke said, turning to me. "It's okay, Luke. I was gonna tell him anyways. If she hadn't done this, I wouldn't have needed to leave, Michael would have know about... her.... Jess, Cam, Em, Austin, Cal, Ashton.... they would have all known. And Austin would finally know that you're my brother." I said, trying not to look at Michael. "Who the hell is 'she', Luke?" Michael yelled, running to Luke's car. "Can I, or do you want to?" Luke asked. I told him that I wanted to. "Look, Michael... When I was younger, 5 to be exact, I saw this.... demon... thing.... for the first time, and I got really scared. I didn't know what to do, so I told Luke to go up in the treehouse. He first found out about her in there." I said, pointing to the treehouse almost completely covered by the trees leaves. "We haven't gone in there since we were 11, Luke. It's been 8 years." I said, smiling when I said that it's been 8 years since me and Luke have gone into that treehouse. "So... why didn't I know about her? Why, Mal?" Michael said. "I.... I don't really know, Michael. I just.... it's just that.... I didn't want you to think I was crazy or a freak... I... I'm really sorry, Michael." I said, really wanting Luke to just drive off now. "Baby-" "Don't call me that." I said, cutting Michael off. God... why do I feel so mad at Michael right now? "Sorry... Look, Mal, why would you think I would think you were crazy or a freak?" Michael asked. "I don't..... know, Michael... I just don't really know anything right now..." I said before getting really scared. "What? What's wrong, Mal?" Michael said. I pointed behind him, and he screamed. When Luke looked... he saw nothing. "L-Luke?" I said, crying. "I.... I don't see anything?" Luke said, looking at me. "Luke!" I said seconds before screaming. Everyone inside came running out to make sure I was okay. "OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?!?!" They all yelled at the same time. I screamed again when the door opened and I got dragged out of the car. "Please be another nightmare... please please please please!" I kept saying that quietly to myself as I got put back into the car. "Mal.. It's not a nightmare... This is reality. What the hell did you see?" I heard Luke whisper, trying not to scare me I guess. "Y-you d-didn't see her?" I said, stuttering because I was scared. Like... REALLY scared. "No, I didn't." Luke said. "I-I saw her..." Michael said, coming to me so he could hug me. "I-I'm not c-crazy.... right?" I said, looking up to Michael, who looked more scared than me. "You're crazy adorable." Michael said, without laughing. I laughed and said "So are you." We both smiled and then hugged. I didn't want to let go.. I get a text. "I don't wanna look at it." I said, throwing my phone out the car window. The phone broke into pieces, and something was in the phone. "What's this?" Calum asked. "What's what?" I asked looking at my phone from Luke's car. "This." Cal says, handing something to me. It's a piece of paper. "Did you read it?" I asked, trying not to seem scared, even though I was. No. I wasn't scared. I was terrified. "No. Why?" Calum asked. "Just wondering..." I said, starting to open the letter when I noticed Michael was right behind me. "Michael? Can I open this without you staring at it?" I asked as nicely as possible. "Okay. Sorry.." Michael said in a sad voice. "It's okay." I said. I opened up the little 'note' that was inside of my phone.

Stay With Me ~ A Michael Clifford fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now