Chapter 3.5 (Chapter 4 preview)

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When I got home, I ran up to Luke's room to go grab my bag because I had forgotten it. I knew Luke was in his room because he was in there when I left. I had completely forgotten that I wasn't supposed to leave him alone in his room at all. I remembered when I saw Luke. When I saw Luke, I started crying. "Luke...." "I-I'm so sorry, Mal. I..." "Come over here, Luke. Let's get you fixed up."

(Luke's POV) *5 minutes earlier*

"Bye, Mal! See you later." I said, waving at my sister before she left my room to go to Calum because she had to ask him a question or something like that. All of the bad memories... they came back to me... After what seem like hours of me crying, I stopped and looked down to my wrist because it was hurting. I saw a bunch of blood. Oh god... I didn't even realize... I didn't mean to... Mal came in the house before I could get up to go wash my arm off. I looked around my room, and saw her bag. She left her bag!?!? Mal saw me, and started crying. "Luke..." She said, crying like I just died. "I-I'm so sorry, Mal. I..." I start, but I don't finish because I had started crying as well. "Come over here, Luke. Let's get you fixed up." Mal says, trying to hold back the tears. We walk into the bathroom, and we get my arm washed up. "I didn't mean to, Mal. I'm so sorry." "It's okay, Luke. I've been through this enough to know that you don't realize you did it most of the time." I heard Mal say. I could barely hear her because I was getting lightheaded.


This is going to be towards the end of Chapter 4, so... yeah... there's a part before this that the irl Camdyn, that I know, won't like. If this was like a YouTube video, and you could just 'like' one chapter at a time, then I'd be like: "Like for previews!" But I can't... so... COMMENT HAPPY THINGS FOR PREVIEWS! YAY! (0,0) #face (-,+) #moreface (+,-) #evenmoreface #WhatsWithTheHashtags?

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