Chapter 12 - I Swear To God Luke

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"Okay cool. I'll go tweet her now" I say, then the fan gives me her twitter. Well, her twitter and the girl she was talking about. I got back to Avery. "Sorry 'bout that, my brother other there is in a famous band" I say, pointing to Luke. He waves. "That's okay." Avery says. I mouth a 'what kind' to the boys, and they answer by shouting... "Cheese! Ash shouts. "Pep!" Luke shouts. "What the hell?!?!?" Calum shouts. "Cheese and pep? Get us some three-meat!!" Call shouts to Avery "No swearing!" Avery shouts at Calum. He says sorry, but Avery didn't hear. "Get us two three-meats and a cheese, will ya?" I ask Avery. Avery nods and goes back to her job.  About a minute or two later, Avery's cousin, Morgan, asks us if we want any drinks. "You already know what me and Luke want" I say. "How?" Cal asks. "Answer her then I'll tell you" I say. "What about you two fine gentlemen?" Morgan asks, referring to Cal and Ash. "Some tea will do" Ash says. (Yes, 5SOS are now 1D, just go along with it) "I'm not thirsty" Cal says. Morgan looks to me and I mouth a 'get him some sweet tea' before she leaves. (Calum is now Louis... #Confirmed) About five minutes later, the pizza is here with out drinks. "Thanks" I say to Morgan and Avery, and the boys do the same. My ringtone plays right after. "I know you love me, I know you care!" my phone plays. "WHAT THE HECK, MALLORY!??!" I say quietly to myself. The booth starts laughing. "Mallory changed it!" I say, a little louder than I should have. "Uhhh.... you sure you didn't change it?" Calum asks. "YES, I'M SURE!" I whisper-shout. "I actually hate this song" I say. "Bullsh-" Luke starts but then he remembered that we can't swear in the pizza place. "Luke..." I say. "Sorry..." He looked down as if he were sad. "Uhh... do you want me to do it? Like... right now?" I ask, wanting to be nice. "Just do it already." Luke says. "Do what?" Ash asks. "This thing me and Luke do." I say. "I'm not gonna shout it, Luke... I'll just tell the booth" I say. "TELL US WHAT?!" Calum shouts. "Stop shouting, Cal!" I say. "Just do it already, geez..." Luke says, looking at me. "Ugh.. Luke's in love with Michael... Clifford..." I say. "Hey! That's not what we agreed on!" Luke shouts. "Oh, yes it is!" I say. "No, it's not!" Luke says. "Do you though?" Cal asks. "Yes, he is" I say. "No I'm not!" Luke says. "YES HE IS! MUKE FOR LIFE!" A fan shouts. "NO! MALUM FOR LIFE!" Morgan shouts. "Hey, quite down about Mikey... he's at the hospital..." Avery says. I almost start crying at the thought of Mikey in the hospital. "SHE'S THE ONE WHO BROUGHT HIM UP!" Morgan shouts. "Still not a good idea to do when her husband is in the hospital" Luke says, hugging me.  I then go to see who called me. It was Pam. I call her back and ask to leave the booth for a minute or two. Pam said he certainty will be waking up with Amnesia. "it won't take him long to recover and gain his memory back." Pam says. "Okay... thanks for letting me know, Pam" I say, and with that, Pam hangs up. I sit back down and eat my pizza and tell the boys that I'm going home. I drive the boys with me, and we all have fun listening to the radio. The first song that came on was their newest song, that had a music video, Jet Black Heart. They all sung their parts, besides Ashton, and during Cal's solo, luke told me and Ash to sing the chorus. I agreed, and they all looked at me weirdly, as if they thought I couldn't do it. When the chorus came, I sang the lyrics, while turning the radio off, might I add. "Cuz I've got a Jet Black Heart, and there's a HURRICANE UNDERNEATH IT, TRYNA KEEP US apart! I write WITH A POISON PEN, but these chemicals moving between us, are the reason to start again." I sing with out a problem. Ash stopped singing at "Jet Black Heart" because he thought my voice was amazing. After I finished singing, Ash said I had an adorable voice. First thing I was show him the ring, and then say thanks. "Holy crap... I thought you said you didn't like our stupid band..." Luke said. "I don't. I've heard this on the radio a couple times while going to work." I say. "Okay then..." Ash says. At the moment, we were decided who's house we were going to. I live about a mile away from my work, but it doesn't take more than three or four songs to get there, sometimes less. "So who's house are we- OH MY FUDGE, THIS SONG!" I shout. "YAZZZZ, ALL TIME LOW!" Luke shouts. It was Kids In The Dark by All Time Low. Both me and Luke are like... OBSESSED with ATL... My fav song in Runaways, and his is Something's Gotta Give, but we both love this song. "Here we are at the end of the road- the road that's quietly caving in" I sing. "Come too far to pretend that we don't- we don't miss where we started." Luke sings. 'Looking back, I see a setting sun" I sing. 'And watch my shadow fade into the floor" Luke sings. "Ashton's house" Cal says within the 2 second pause of words. I nod, and dance to the part before the chorus. The boys were so impressed with my voice that they let me sing the song by myself. "You have a beautiful voice" Cal says. "And she also has a husband" Luke says. "Luke, it's okay" I say. "It's also true. Thank you, Cal" I finish. I got to Ashton's house, and Alex, from ATL, called me. "Hey, Mal?" Alex asked. He sounded worried. "Yeah?" I say, worried about what Alex is scared about. "Is Michael okay? I heard he got sent to the hospital when he was going home...." Alex says. "Yeah..." I say. I hear Alex say something quietly. "I knew Luke shouldn't have made Mike go." Alex says. "Wait, WHAT?!" I yell. "Luke called Mikey, telling him he needs to go to your house to see if you were okay. I just found out that Mike was in the hospital this morning. I'm very sorry for what-" Alex starts, but I cut him off. "Wait, so this is all Luke's fault?!?!" I shout. At the moment, I was still in my car while the others were already walking into Ash's house. "Yeah... I wish I could slap him..." Alex says. "Oh, well I can do that for you" I say. I hang up right after. "LUKE!" I shout, very mad. Luke looks at me, terrified. "Yeah, M-Mal?" Luke says, stuttering. "I was told that this is all YOUR fault. Care to explain?" I say. "I don't know what you're talking about..." Luke says. "Really? My husband's in the hospital because of YOU! Dick!" I shout. I run all the way to Camdyn's house. "Cam?! You in there?!?" I shout while knocking on the door. No answer. "Cam?!" I shout. I remembered that Camdyn keeps a key underneath the door mat. I grab the key and run inside. "Camdyn?!" I shout. No answer. I run to her room. "CAM!" I shout. Still no answer. I look in the bathroom. Nobody. I check her brother's room. "CAMDYN TOLLETT, ANSWER ME BEFORE I SMACK YOU IN THE FACE!" I shout. "GIVE ME A FUCKING MINUTE!" She shouts. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU NOT ANSWER ME?!?!" I shout. "CAN YOU LEAVE AND COME BACK LATER?" She shouts. "Why?" I say, opening the door to the bathroom. "You're hair.... it's beautiful..." I say. "Thank you... do you think Luke will like my blue hair?" She asks. "Well, if he loved Mikey's blue hair, he'll love yours." I say. "I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone, but it'll be out little secret for now." Cam says. "I promise you, they're going to love it!" I say, once again. Camdyn smiles, and I wait for her to dry off her hair and get ready. Me and Camdyn decided we were going to the mall. After about 20 minutes (mainly of us talking), Camdyn was ready to go.

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