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I legit just woke up, so.. I'm still going to post the 7th chapter today when I finish it. It may not be a very long chapter (or it may be idk), but I'll post it when I feel like it's finished. Or when I feel like I can make a(nother) cliffhanger. So... JUST HOLD ON! And it's almost THANKSGIVING! I will get the next chapter finished, post it on here, TRY to finish the 8th chapter (because I won't be able to do much of that tomorrow) and maybe start the 9th? but I'll 100% start the 8th right after I post the 7th. So... FIRST OF ALL: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I love all of you! I didn't finish the 7th chapter yesterday because I was just so pissed at something... I'm fine now, so I'll be able to finish it within... a couple of hours. Somewhere between 12 PM- 4 PM it will be done. And published. I HAVE BAND-AIDS ON MY TWO POINTER FINGERS! :( IDK what happened to them... I have a Band-Aid on my wrist (on my right hand) and idk what happened to it. I literally walked in the school on Monday (23rd 2015), and looked down to see a cut on my right wrist. I don't cut, I promise you I don't. I legit was like: "How the hell did that get there?" and I still don't know what happened... ANYWAYS! I have to go finish the next chapter for you!

Love ya Ash Pals,

Stay With Me ~ A Michael Clifford fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now