Chapter 8

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Everyone, besides Michael, was there. Like I wanted. "Okay..." I say. "What did you want to tell us?" Ash says. I'm surprised Luke didn't ask. "Well... I wanted to say that... I got a job, and I'm soon getting my own house!" I say, giving Luke his ice cream. I legit thought they would be like 'you told us to come here for that?', but they weren't. "REALLY?!? THAT'S SO COOL!" They all say at the same time. "Why didn't you want to tell Michael?" Luke asks. "Because..." I say. "Because what?" Camdyn asks. "Because I just didn't want to, okay!" I say. I know the boys can't speak Italian, and that Camdyn can (let''s just pretend if she can't irl), so I speak Italian talking to Camdyn. "Non gli ho detto perché volevo dirgli da solo. So com'e ' fatto a volte, e mi sento come dovrei dirgli di me stesso." (I didn't tell him because I wanted to tell him alone. I know how he gets sometimes, and I feel like I should tell him by myself.) (irl, I can't speak much Italian, so I literally just searched that up... thanks, whoever said that!) "Prometto che non dirò. Inoltre prometto che non dirò Michael che abbiamo avuto questa conversazione." (I promise I won't tell them. I also promise I won't tell Michael we had this conversation.) She speaks back to me in Italian. "Grazie" (thanks) I say. The boys give me and Camdyn weird looks as she says "La vostra accoglienza." (Your welcome). "What were you talking about?" Ashton asks. "You guys don't know how to speak Italian, right?" Camdyn asks. "Nope." They all say together. "Then you will never know." Camdyn says. "Okay then..." They all say at the same time. "Ummm.. I gotta get going. I told Michael I'd get some pizza for him." I say. Really, Mal? Some pizza? Really? "O...kay then..." Luke said. He, as well as Ash and Cal, looked confused. "He just wants some pizza!" Camdyn yells. "Oh, and Em wants to talk to you, Ash." I say. "Okay. Bye, Mal." Ash says. I wave bye, and tell Camdyn, using some sign language, that Luke Cal and Ash didn't know, to tell her to talk to Luke. Camdyn nods, and I go to Michael's house. "Hey, kitty cat." I say, obviously talking to Michael. "Hello," He pauses. "Cutie cat." He finishes. "Kitty cat and Cutie cat." I say before letting a little giggle out. "I'm not turning into Ashton, I promise." I say. "I never said you were." Michael said. "So... I wanted to tell you something." I say, sitting down on his couch. "What?" He asks. "Well... I got a job, so soon I'll have my own house! Oh, but don't worry. I'll be near, I promise. Only about a 5-10 minute drive." I say, looking up at Michael because he wasn't sitting down. "Where are you gonna work?" Michael asks. "Well, let me take you to my work. I was going to get something from there anyways, so I might as well take you with me!" I say, pulling Michael to the door. I hop into Luke's car, and Michael does the same. I turn the radio on, and Michael's song comes on. Like... he sings most of it, so it's his song. It's Jet Black Heart. "Everybody's got their demons. Even wide awake or dreamin. I'm the one who ends up leavin. Make it okay. See a war, I wanna fight it. See a match, I wanna strike it. Every fire I've ignited, faded to gray." I sing. I look at Michael for a second, and he's just 7 laughing to himself. "I love this song, by the way." I say. "I thought you weren't a 5SOS fan." Michael says. "I'm not. I just like a couple of the songs." I say, focusing back on the road. We get to where I work, and Michael is excited. "YOU WORK AT A PIZZA PLACE?!?!" Michael shouts. "Yup. I still have to pay to get pizza, but it doesn't cost as much as when I didn't work there." I say. "Cool!" Michael shouts. Neither one of us care about the fans at the moment. And trust me, there were fans. "So uhh.. Wanna get some pizza?" I ask. "YES!" Michael shouts. At this point, I was trying to tell the fans that if they came up to us while we were getting food, Michael would quit the band, and they would never see him again. They all sat back down, and left me and Michael alone. Though there was just one fan that came up to us. (And the pizza place Mal works at is kinda like Cici's Pizza. If you have no idea what Cici's Pizza is, it's a pizza place that you pay $5.00 then you can eat all the pizza, or desserts, you want. It's really awesome.) The fan was about 15 years old, had blue hair, blue eyes, an ATL shirt, and skinny jeans. The skinny jeans weren't ripped. (WHY, FAN?!? WHY NO RIPS IN DA SKINNY JEANS?!?!) I don't mind the fact that the fans came up to us, it's just that there were so many fans at the pizza place. The fan that came up to us, I could tell, was actually nervous. VERY nervous. She also seemed familiar. A bit too familiar. "Hey, uhh... this may sound weird, but... do I know you?" I ask. I look to Michael who looks like he's seen her before as well. "Uhh.." She starts to freak out. "Oh my god..." Michael says before realizing what was happening. "No, don't cry!" Michael shouts. He pulls her to sit down with him. I don't mind because we both feel like we know her. "What's your name?" Michael asks. "It's Sydney." The girl says. "Sydney as in Sydney Wood?" I ask, looking up from my phone that I was looking at to see if I had pictures with the girl. "Yup! And this is Mal Hemmings. How's Luke?" Sydney asks. "He's doin fine!" I say. "Okie! So, uhh... I know I'm a fan and that you said Mikey would quit the band, which I know he wouldn't do, if a fan came over, but... Can I eat with you guys?" Sydney asks. "OH MY GOD! YOU JUST ASKED IF YOU COULD EAT WITH US?!?" I shout. Well, I shouted to where only me, Michael, Sydney, and my mom, who had called me seconds before Syd asked the question, could hear it. "You never asked to eat with us. Never!" Michael whispered. Syd was at my school for 5th and 6th grade, then moved to Michael's school for 7th and 8th. I don't actually know the reason why she left. "I know I ever asked to eat with you. I always just sat down at your table." Sydney said. "Yup!" Michael said. Sydney never really sat at my table. Mainly cuz she wasn't into 5SOS back then... She hated the band so much. "Didn't you used to hate 5 Seconds of Summer back then?" I ask. "Uhh.. Yeah, why?" She asks. "Because now you're all over my-" "Mal." Michael said, stopping me from saying he's my boyfriend. "Sorry.." I say. "So, uhh.. What are you doing here? I thought you left to go live in America." Michael said. "Oh, I came back to visit. I wanted to meet up with some family before I go move to Ireland." Sydney says. "You're not going to stay here?" Michael asks. "Mikey? Are you okay?" I ask. "No. She said she wasn't going to stay here!" He yells. "I thought you were with me. But I guess not. I'm leavin!" I shout. The whole place just stared at me. Then they looked at Michael. They knew Michael had done something wrong. I shouted, regretting it right after saying it, "I FUCKING HATE YOU RIGHT NOW, CLIFFORD!" Then ran out. I wasn't crying though. I felt like crying, but I wanted him to think that I didn't care. That is, if he showed up behind me or looked through the window. I got into Luke's car, that I drove here, and went back home. Great... Luke's home. "Where Michael?" He asks. "At the pizza place we always go to." I say, running upstairs. "Are you okay?" Luke asks. "No... Sydney's back in town, and Michael already hates that he saw her. She said she was just coming to visit family before she moved to Ireland, and he was sad when he found out she wasn't staying, so no. I'm not fine." I say. "Look, he does that a lot with girls. When he finds out a girl he used to like is moving away, he always gets sad. I don't know why he gets sad, but he does. He isn't into her anymore. He loves you, Mal. And only you." Luke said. Just then, my phone rings. Twitter messages... Michael has sent me a couple messages on twitter... better check them out. "I fucking hate you as well, Hemmings!", "I'm sorry, I take that back. I don't hate you. I love you!! I could never hate you!", and "Yoi know what? I take that back as well. I can hate you, and right now... I fucking hate you! I don't wanna see you anytime soon." Are the three messages he sent me. "Michael hates me. Luke, why can't he be like you? Nice, sweet, not give a fuck about what people say?" I ask. "He is nice! And he is sweet! And he most certainly does NOT give a fuck about what people say! Unless it's mean things about you. Then, he gets pissed off about it and wants to murder the person who said the mean thing about you." Luke says. "And he doesn't hate you, Mal! Oh, and cursing at the place you work at is not a good idea..." Luke says. "How did you know I cursed at my work?!" I shout. "I was there. In the corner, where you couldn't see me." Luke says. "Oh... well, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It just came out like that." I say. "Well I gotta go get ready to leave. Me and the boys have to go to Manchester for a concert." Luke says. "Can I come with?" I ask. "Yeah. You can come with us. If you want to bring a friend, you can. We give out 2 free tickets each year, and you and your friend could be the two people who get the tickets." Luke says. "Okay! I have to choose... who to bring... Austin, Camdyn, or Emily... Austin. Definitely." I say. "Why Austin?" Luke asks. "Because Camdyn is going, and she's able to bring a friend, so I'll tell her to bring Em, and I'll bring Austin." I said. "But why are you bringing Austin? Why are you telling Camdyn to bring Em?" Luke asks. "Oh, because-" "You like Austin, don't you?" Luke asks, interrupting me. "I like him as a friend, and I'm dating Michael!" I say, a little offended. But Luke was right. I did kinda like Austin.. (A/N: I only like Austin as a friend irl. That's for the peeps who know me irl. I ONLY LIKE HIM AS A FRIEND!! But Ms. Hemmings [Mal Hemmings] likes Austin a little more than a friend even though she's dating Mikey. Weird, right?) "Oh, and Luke? Can I ask you something?" I said. "Uhh, yeah, sure. What is it?" Luke asks. "Do you.... have a crush on Camdyn?" I ask. Luke instantly looks up from his phone. "I, uuhh... Ummm-" "It's okay. I guess she didn't tell you that she broke up with Austin?" I say. "She WHAT?!?!" Luke yells. "Broke up with-" "Why? Why did she break up with him?!" Luke says, interrupting me, yet again. "Well, she told me that it was because she didn't want to date him at the moment, cuz of some personal stuff, and she also broke up with him because... she... she thinks she's in love with you. Again. Austin also said he was bi, and he didn't know if Camdyn was the right person for him cuz they were friends, and-" "Calm down! Please?" Luke says. I was getting so worried. (A/N: not saying Austin is bi irl, just saying. ("You got a boyfriend, and he's a total loser. All your friends tell you that he's got no future. But they like me. Just saying.") hehehe) "Okay. I'm sorry, Luke. I didn't mean to freak out on you. I'm just getting scared that Michael would never want to talk to me anymore. I should have never said anything to him. Or to you. I'm just so sorry, Luke." I said. Luke holds his arms out to give me a hug. "I love you, Luke. You wouldn't do anything to hurt me, would you?" I ask while hugging him. "I would never do anything to hurt you. I promise." Luke says. I don't think he can promise on that, but if he says so. "So, ummm... do you wanna give me da tickets, or...?" I say, changing the topic. "Oh! Yeah, umm.. Ashton has them right now.. I told him to give them to anyone unless we all know who he's giving it to." Luke says. "Oh, okay. So... I get both tickets, and I get to take a friend? You sure about this? I mean, I can just buy two tickets, I don't mind." I say. "No, it's fine. None of us knew who to give it to anyways. We were gonna just give it to some random fan, but I think I'm allowed to give them to you." Luke said, making me feel a little better about me getting the tickets. "Okay. Well, thanks, Luke. About making me feel better about you giving me the tickets even though a fan should really get them." I said, looking down to the floor. "You should know better than that! I will ALWAYS choose you over a fan, you're my sister! My twin! My only sister!" Luke shouts. "Really? I think you should choose your fans over me because they mean more to you. They know the words to all of your songs, they respect you, even though basically all of the Luke Girls moved lanes when you got with Arzay- sorry." I said. Now I feel guilty that I made Luke break up with Arzaylea... But it was the right thing to do. "It's okay." Luke says as his hands tense up. "Luke..." I say, trying to calm him down. "I'm fine." He says harshly. "No, you're not, Luke." I say. "Fine, I'm not okay. I'm really not fine at all." Luke says, singing the 'I'm really not fine at all part' in the tune of the part in 'Amnesia'. "Don't bring up that song!" I say. "You know that song?" Luke asks. "Yeah. Camdyn sung that song ALL DAY the other day. Like, gurl. Tone it down!" I said. Luke laughs "Wow. Did she sing it that much?" "Gurl, I don't lie. At least I don't when it comes to how much Camdyn is obsessed with you." I said. "S-she's obsessed with m-me?" Luke said, stuttering because no girl has ever been obsessed with him as much as Camdyn is. "Yeah, you're her favorite band member." I say. "O-okay. I, ummm... I wanted you to ask if she would want to hang out with me cuz you're her friend, and it would be awkward if I asked her..." Luke said. Aww... he doesn't know how to react to Cam Cam... "That's a first..." I say quietly to myself. "I know... I'm sorry, you don't have to do this for me." Luke said. Well, I guess he heard me. "No, it's fine. I'll ask her." I say. I pulled out my phone, and text Camdyn. 'Hey, Cam. Luke wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with him. (He also has a MAJOR crush on you as well. Don't tell him I told you that...)' is the text I sent Camdyn. She replied with 'OMG HE DOES?!?! Tell him I said YES!!'. "She said she would LOVE to hang out with you." I said, responding to Camdyn beforre she freaked out too much. "So... are you excited to be hanging out with your CRUSH?!?" I ask Luke. "Yeah. I'm also kinda nervous... what if she finds out who I really am, and what I'm really like when I'm not singing, and she hates me?" Luke said. He's worrying me... "Luke, ou are going to be fine. She won't hate you! Trust me!" I said, trying to make him feel better. "Okay... If you say so.." Luke said. "Well, you gotta go if you wanna hang out with her! She said she'll meet you at the park." I tell Luke before he leaves. "Okay, bye! Love you!" Luke yells before leaving. "Bye! Love ya too!" I shout. Just then Luke leaves, and I hear someone crawl through my window. "Michael? Is that you?" I shout. He is ALWAYS crawling through my window when Luke is over because he doesn't want Luke to know he's coming over. I don't know why he doesn't want Luke to know he's coming over. "Yeah, it's me. Why did you ask? You know I always come crawling through your window!" Michael shouts. "I know, but why do you crawl through my window when Luke is over? Why don't you want Luke to know you're coming over?" I ask. "I don't know... It's just a thing. Whenever I date a friend's sister, they ever like me coming to their house... I guess it's just a habit of mine."Michael explains to me. "Oh, okay. But Luke is fine with us dating. You should be allowed to come through the front door. Or even the back door!" I say. "Okay. I guess I can come through the door next time... But I like crawling through your window! It's fun to do!" Michael says. "Okay. You can keep crawling through my window." I say. My phone buzzes. "Got a text. Hang on." I say, grabbing my phone. It's from Camdyn! 'OMG LUKE JUST SAID HE LIKES ME!' I responded with 'OMG, CAM! YOU NEED TO ASK HIM OUT!! HE HAS A MAJOR CRUSH ON YOU, AND YOU HAVE THIS MAJOR CRUSH ON HIM, SO JUST ASK HIM OUT ALREADY!' I send the message, and tell Michael what's happening. "Okay, so Luke has a major crush on my friend, Camdyn, and Camdyn has a major crush on Luke. I told Camdyn to ask Luke out already because Camdyn has had a crush on Luke ever since she first saw him. In a music video, of course. I showed Luke a picture of me, Camdyn, Emily, and Austin, which was taken a long time ago, and Luke said Camdyn looked pretty cute. To be honest, I thought she was cute as well, but, let's not get into that... just yet. Umm... well, I knew Luke had a crush on Camdyn, but he couldn't date her because he didn't have any classes with her, and Luke didn't even know her, so... that would just be awkward if he asked her out. Luke, obviously, didn't say anything to her, and Camdyn said nothing to Luke because, at the time, she didn't like Luke at all. She thought he was this weird, nerdy, math guy that nobody liked. And, to be honest, not many people actually liked him. I was actually embarrassed that my own brother was a math nerd. At that time, I tried to have people not know my last name, and that Luke was my twin brother." I say. "Oh... so, uhh... now Muke cant be real..." Michael said. "No, Michael. Muke IS real. You can't say it's not because Muke CAN be real. IT IS REAL, MICHAEL! It has always been real! Even if you two never end up dating, the connection between the both of you makes it real. Your friendship makes it real. The fact that you two hot, adorable, little animals are in a band TOGETHER makes it REAL. You may think I'm some crazy fangirl now, but I'm not. Oh, and don't even get me started on Cashton. That shit is SO real. I even got some video proof. If I show you this, you have to promise me you won't tell ANYONE. Not even the fans. Or the fam. The fam would literally go CRAZY because they WANT Cashton to be real." I say, pulling out my phone. The video was me walking around, then I heard Calum and Ashton talking. I was so glad that I was recording that moment. I edited the video to where it was just the part where Ash and Cal were talking.

(Video POV now)

A: "Cal, I know the fans are gonna freak out when we tell them, but we can't let them know now. Nobody must know that this just happened."

C: "Ash... I promise I won't tell anyone what just happened. I-I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to kiss you.. It's just that-"

A: "It''s okay, Cal. I've been wanting this moment to be true for so... so long. I love you, Cal."

(Video end)

"That did NOT just happen. That can't be true. Mal... Cashton is... is... REAL?!?!?" Michael shouts. "Yup. It's real. 100 percent real." I say. Michael freaks out a little bit because he has wanted Cashton to be real for SO LONG. "Well, I gotta go. I need to ask Cal and Ash about... something." I say before getting up. "Don't leave me, Mal! I just found out my OTP, besides Muke, is real, and you're leaving me?!?!" Michael shouts. "Uhh... yeah, sorry. Hey, give Luke a call. You can tell him if you want, but he can NOT tell Camdyn, or anyone else." I tell Michael. He nods and I leave. I drive to Calum's place because he said Ash was at his house with him. "Perfect." I say, after reading Cal's text. I'm really getting mad at Luke right now because he has his own album, I mean.. The band album, playing on repeat. I mean, I don't hate the album, it's just that I'm not that big a fan. I get to Cal's house, and I ask them a question. "Hey, Cal, Ash?" I start. "Yeah, Mal?" They say at the same time. "I wanted to ask you a question.... but I'm afraid you two are gonna hate me afterwards..." I say. "We would never hate you, Mal!" Cal said. "Not even if I found out what you two were talking about, and that you said you didn't want anyone to know?!" I say, still nervous. "No. And.. What are you talking about, Mal?" Ash says. "Ummm... I heard you two talking about... Okay, I heard that Cal kissed you, you said you wanted that to happen for a long time, and you both agreed to not say anything to the boys!" I shout. "Oh... you promise you won't tell the fans?" Ash said. He knew what I was talking about. "I promise. If the fans find out and you didn't tell them, blame Luke. I didn't tell him, but I kinda accidentally told Michael, and Luke has been wanting this to be true for so long. So, I would blame him." I say. "Okay. And what do you mean by you 'accidentally' told Michael?" Cal asked. "He wanted to know what I was going to ask you, and I didn't mean to, but I said 'Cashton is real' then tried to fake it, but he knew it was real, and that I was failing at faking it." I lie. "Okay... at least we don't have to tell Michael. We MIGHT have to tell Luke, and we WILL have to tell Camdyn, Emily, and Austin... Great... just... great." Ashton says. Now I feel bad for telling Michael... "Look, if it makes you feel better, Michael didn't believe me at first. Yeah, he was waiting for to tell him Cashton is real, but he didn't believe me because he didn't think that you two would..." I say, not wanting to actually say that I showed Michael a video of he 'moment' happening. "Date? Yeah... I never thought we would either, to be honest." Ashton says. "Ya know, I actually used to never want to date Ash. I used to want to date Emily. I didn't like Ashton as more than a best friend." Cal says. Ash looks sad after Cal says that. "Ash, are you okay?" I say. "Yeah... It's just the text I just got... It says-"


OHHH! CLIFFHANGER! AGAIN! WUTTT?!?! Sorry, I didn't really know what exactly to put in this chapter, and over time, this is what it came to be. I know what the text Ash got says, but I didn't want to make it longer, and I wanted YOU to wait for it. I PROMISE the next chapter won't be as long, and it will be on time. I will continue my regular schedule on Monday. (The next chapter will, hopefully, be uploaded on Monday. If not, Wed. I WILL GET IT OUT NEXT WEEK!!) So sorry that this took FOREVER to upload, and I'm so sorry it's SO DUCKING LONG!

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