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The following Monday morning before school, Joy and my father told me, Calum and Mali to not make any plans for the night, because apparently we're going out to dinner.

I got in Calums car, the back of course, and waited for him to pick up Luke, and for the awkward embarrassment to begin. He got in and stared driving.

"Calum can you please turn your music down?" I asked him, hoping he would turn in down because my head is killing me. Surprisingly, he listened, and turned it down. Still, it was very loud. He picked up Luke and they started talking about some party they were going to Friday. Apparently it is gonna be amazing. I sighed and looked out the window, usually Luke would say hi to me, but not today, probably because of what happened Friday. But I don't care, because he was just a stupid boy, that I had a stupid crush on, I'll get over it.

The door opened again and Michael got in the car.

"Dude did you see how hot that girl was Saturday?"


"Calum remember what your mom and my dad said." I reminded him, getting into his car after school.

"Yeah yeah, Theresa, get in and hurry up." He replied, in a rush.

I got in and put my seatbelt on. Ten seconds later, Luke got in the car.

"Mike got a detention so he's not coming."

"HAHAHAHAHAHA OHMYGOD what did he do this time?"

I zoned out again, not interested In hearing what Luke had to say about Michael. I was pulled out of my thoughts by my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I said
"Tess, are you going to the party Saturday?" Wes asked through the phone.
"Um, noo." I replied.
"Well you are now bye."
Then he hung up.

Ten seconds later I fell my phone buzz again, its a text from Wes.

"Friday at 7 I will pick you up, be ready :)"

I replied, saying ok. Its good for me to get out every once in a while.


We arrived back to my apartment and went inside. Dad and Joy were already there. As soon as we walked in they told us to hurry up and get ready, because we have reservations at a restaurant. I walked into my room and started picking out my outfit.

Ten minutes later I was ready. I walked out of my room and into the living room, where everyone was waiting for me.

"Took you long enough."

"It took me 10 minutes Calum, calm down."

"Yea whatever just come on." He said, opening the door.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked, looking around.

"They're all waiting in the car for us, hurry up." We walked out of the apartment and locked it.

The elevator ride was almost the most awkward thing I have ever experienced, other than the car ride with Luke. When the elevator stopped he walked out and waited for me.

I walked out and we headed to the door. We walked outside and saw everyone waiting for us.

I walked up to the car and got in, I made sure to sit in the window seat. But if course, Calum opened my door and told me to sit in the middle, because I'm the smallest. I scooted over and started to suffer through the car ride to the restaurant.

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