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Teresa and Wes had been sitting in the coffee shop for a few hours. Wes had his old yearbook, from the previous year and they were picking out guys for Teresa to go after. I was Wes's idea. He said it would not only help her get over Luke but it would also convince the boys that she was over him. It's a win-win. 

Teresa felt like they had been flipping for hours when she saw the perfect guy. She excitedly pointed to him so show Wes. He had dark brown hair and was sort of tan. 

"Oh, Steven? I can totally set you up with him, hes one of my friends. I didn't think he was your type or else I would have set you up with him earlier." 

"Please set me up with him Wes, hes so hot." Teresa begged. 

Wes got out his phone immediately and texted Steven. He asked if he wanted to hangout with Teresa and himself. Steven eagerly replied, knowing Teresa from around the school, and they all made plans to hang out the following weekend. 

"Teresa you're not going to believe what Steven just texted me!" Wes exclaimed. 


"He told me to give you his number!" 

Teresa's heart skipped a beat. Quickly she texted Steven a quick 'Hi, its Teresa' before looking up to Wes. 

"I don't know what we are going to do this weekend." 

"Don't worry, we will come up with something." 

"What if he doesn't like me? Or if I don't like him? Or if we don't get along?" Teresa questioned.

"Calm down, i'm sure you guys will hit it off." 

"What if him and I really start to like each other but then Luke admits feelings for me."

"We will deal with that if and when it happens." 

Just then Teresa got a text. Her eyes widened and she looked at  Wes. 

"Oh my god I think that's him. What should I do?!" 

"Text him back"

Teresa looked down at her phone, only to be disappointed. It was Calum texting her that he is there to pick her up. 

"False alarm. It's just the devil incarnate telling me that he's here."

"He always ruins every good moment." Wes said, getting up to walk Teresa to the car. 

"You're telling me. I'll see you tomorrow Wes." 

"Bye Teresa. Text me as soon as Steven messages you back."

"Oh you know I will." Teresa replied, getting into the car. She had to get into the back because, like always, Luke, Ashton and Michael were with Calum. Teresa swears, this boy can never go anywhere without them.

"Hi guys." She says, trying to be nice. They all mumbled their greetings and then went back to their own conversations. 

"Are you feeling any better Tess?" Luke asked. Teresa's face immediately got red but she got control of herself fast. 

"I am, thank you Luke."  The car got silent for a while. 

"So, who is Steven?" Michael decided to break the silence in the worlds worst way. 

"What?" Calum and Teresa both ask. 

"Steven, I heard your friend tell you to text him when someone named Steven messages you back. Is Steven someone Calum should know about." At this point Teresa wanted to reach around to the front seat and slap Michael. 

"Calum doesn't need to know about anything in my life." Teresa replied, trying to be calm. 

"Wait, yes I do, who is Steven?" Calum said.

"Do we know him." Ashton cut in. 

"Is he a crush?"

"Is he a boyfriend"

"Do you like him better than Luke." 

"Do we need to talk to him?"

"Is he nice to you."  The questions were coming left and right from all the boys, except Luke. 

"Quit it!" Teresa yelled, "He is just a boy that I think is cute! That's all." Teresa then started thinking about this weekend and smiled to herself. 

"Why are you smiling like that? There is obviously something else." Calum said, looking through the rearview mirror. 'Now might be the perfect time to tell them.' Teresa thought. She wanted the boys to quit it with her liking Luke, plus there is no reason for Calum to get mad because he hates her so why would he care if she is talking to boys. 

"I might be hanging out with him this weekend." 

Calum slammed on the breaks, making everyone jerk forward.  

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