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       Its been 3 weeks since our parents told us that they were dating. And Calum and Joy still haven't left yet. Life sucks. Calum has been driving me to and from school for three weeks. With Luke. And has done nothing but embarrass me. I got introduced to the rest of his group. Ashton's nice, he doesnt go to the same school as us, hes older. Michael is exactly like Calum though, ugh.

    "So when are you two ever gonna stop your little fued and bond?" Mali, Calums older sister, asked, she's not like Calum at all. I like her.

   "Its not a fued, I just like teasing my baby-sister-to-be." Calum said.

  "1. Its a fued to me. And 2. I am not your 'baby-sister-to-be'." I said, putting air quotes around "baby-sister-to-be".

    "Yes you are, my mom and your dad are most likely going to get married and we will be one big happy family." Calum said, teasingly.

   "Family doesn't embarrass you in front of the guy you like." I mumbled to myself, looking down and playing  with my napkin.

  "Oh so you do like him. This should be fun." Calum said. Then he got up and ran to his phone.

   "Calum NO!" I yelled and chased after him.  Mali even got up to stop him.

  He went in the bathroom and locked the door. But put his phone on speaker so we could hear. We heard a couple rings, then an answer.

"Hey mate"
"Guess what I found out Luke."
  Oh no this can't be happening.
"Theresa loves you."
"Hahaha awwww"
"So you dont like her back?" He questioned. I can hear the humor in his voice.
"No man, she's a kid."
   I didn't stay to hear the rest if the conversation. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. I ran to my bedroom and started crying. 

  Soon enough Mali came in and sat on my bed with me.

   "Dont mind him, hes new to this whole 'Big brother' stuff and doesn't know how to act." Mali said running her hands through my hair.

    "But he's not my brother."

     "Tess, you and I both know that my mom and your dad are going to get married." She said.

  "Yea, but I dont want Calum as a brother. I dont like him. He does nothing but embarrass me in front of his friends."

  "Can I tell you something" Mali said. "Calum has always wanted a little sister. He used to beg my mom to have another baby girl. So he can be a older brother. But he doesn't know how act like one yet. So just give it time, he will come around." She said

  I hope so.

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