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Hello I'm back again.

"Rise and shine baby sis." Teresa woke up to the voice of her older step-brother-to-be. She tried to cover her eyes from the sun shining through the window that Calum opened.

She groaned in annoyance and pulled the cover back over her, trying to fall back asleep, but the quick movement was too much for her hungover state and she immediately felt a wave of nausea take over her body. She shot up quickly, which only made it worse, and tried to get up so she could run to the bathroom.

Teresa didn't make it 3 steps before throwing up all over her floor.

"And there it is." Calum said, as he picked up is hungover stepsister and dragged her to the bathroom. He rested her head on the toilet and left to clean the throw up and then to go look through the medicine cabinet, looking for an ibuprofen and a tums.

Luke, on the other hand was already at the local drug store, picking up Gatorade, ginger ale and some saltine crackers, the perfect hangover fix. He assumed Calum was going to be a total dick to Teresa so he decided to go pick up a few things to make her feel at least a little bit better.

While all of the hangover cure remedy shopping was happening Teresa was still in the bathroom, silently sobbing.

Teresa is sort of a wimp when it comes to any sort of discomfort or pain, and one of her biggest fears is throwing up. So all of this sent her into full blown panic.

"Alright sis, take this and you will start feeling at least a little bit better soon." Calum said, while walking into the bathroom. He was caught off guard when he walked in to see sobbing. "Woah there, what's the matter?" He asked, bending down to her level. He handed her a tissue and then tried to tie her hair back as best as he could.

"I just don't feel good." She cried, as Calum rubbed her back.

"Well, I'm not gonna be a dick and say this wouldn't have happened if you had just listened to me, I'm gonna hold off on all of that until you feel better. Just focus on your breathing and drink lots of water." He said, as he continued to rub her back.

Just then Luke walked into the apartment with a bunch of drinks and saltines for Teresa.

"Hey I got you some drinks that usually help me when I'm hun-" Luke was stopped mid sentence by Calum shushing him.

"She just fell back asleep." Calum said and pointed to his younger sister passed out on the toilet. "I was just about to carry her back into her bed." Calum picked up Teresa and brought her to her bed.

Luke was shocked to say the least. He really thought that Calum was going to be an ass to her. But he was actually pretty sweet. Maybe all it took was her getting shitfaced to make him nice to her.

Calum and Luke walked back out of Teresa's room and into the living room, Luke stopping in the kitchen on the way to put the drinks in the fridge for Teresa for when she wakes up.

"So Calum, you're being oddly calm about this whole situation."

"I'm just waiting until she's not hungover. Trust me mate, when she wakes up tomorrow, fully recovered, I'm gonna kick her ass. But for right now I know how much hangovers suck, especially first hangovers so I thought I would be decent to her."

Calum and Luke talked for another hour or so, until they heard Teresa becoming restless in her sleep.

"Here mate, I'm gonna run a hot bath for her to soak in, if you wanna pour her a cup of Gatorade." Luke said to Calum, as he got up and went to her bathroom. He rummaged though all the bathroom drawers, until he found a bathbomb, he carefully placed the bathbomb on the side of the tub, so she could put it herself and walked out of the bathroom.

Calum put the Gatorade he poured for his sister on the toilet seat next to the bath and then placed two more ibuprofen next to the cup.

"Feeling any better?" Calum said to Teresa as she woke up.

"No." She replies, groggily.

"I ran you a hot bath, hot showers usually help me but I know that sometimes girls prefer baths to relax in, and Calum put a Gatorade next to it, so you can regain your electrolytes." Luke said to Teresa as he sat on her bed and tucked her hair behind her ear. "It will make you feel way better."

Teresa thanked the boys and slowly walked into her bathroom, closing the door and undressing. She stepped into the hot shower and felt all of her muscles immediately relax.


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