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     It all started in the summer of 2012. Fourteen year old Theresa just moved all the way from Florida to Australia with her dad because of his job. She didn't mind leaving all her friend though, they weren't worth remembering anyway.

        Walking down the street, back to the apartment they were renting, Theresa bumped into a stranger. "Sorry." she said looking up to the boy, who looked about one or two years older than her. "Its fine, it was my fault anyways." he replied back, walking away.

      When she got home she couldn't believe how cute he was. She couldn't get him out of her mind.

    "Theresa dinners ready!" Her dad called. Since her dad works alot her dinner is usually some instant meal or frozen chicken fingers. But today it was pasta.

    "Why are we having pasta today dad? When did you have time to make it?" Theresa questioned.

     "I didn't make it, someone at my work gave it to me as a welcome to Australia gift.... So are you ready for your first day of school tomorrow"


     "Yea I guess, I've never been to a Christian school before though, so that might be different"

    "Its not going to be different than the Catholic school you went to"

     "How do you know that"

      "Cause Catholic and Christian are basically the same"

"Why am I going to a Christian school if I'm Catholic anyway dad?"

   "Because I think its best for you"

     "But why"

     "Someone at my work recommend it"

      "The same one that made the pasta?" She questioned him.

       "Maybe, now help me clean so we can watch a movie"

   They cleaned up dinner and started watching 'Step Brothers.' While the movie was going Theresa started to wonder if that boy was going to go to the school she goes to.

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