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Hiya im back! Sorry I was MIA, I turned 20 in November and had a 3 month long panic attack about growing up but ya girl is okay now.

  The rest of the day Teresa was just sleeping, throwing up and crying. Not unusual for her, but the throwing up is new. Calum was being very nice to her, surprisingly, and she felt very safe and calm. That was until the next day.

Teresa woke up the next day, feeling a whole lot better and promising herself she is not going to drink ever again, a lie every person tells themselves after a rough night. She skipped out of her room, happy to be better when she was stopped by none other than Calum Hood. 

"Not so fast, sit down." He said, grabbing her and forcing her to the couch. "Don't think because I was nice to you yesterday means you're off the hook for not listening to me."

"Calum, you're only my step brother to be, I don't have to listen to you." Teresa said, she wasn't going to let Calum ruin her day. 

"Your older step brother to me and yes you do have to listen to me, especially when our parents tell you that I am in charge. I'm trying not to get angry but its really hard to when I told you not to go to that older boys party, because I didn't want to babysit during it and you went anyway and I had to babysit you all night and the whole day after." He said to her, his voice shaking. 

"Dude, I slept all day and all night, you could have easily gone back to that party and spent your Saturday out with your friends but it was your decision to not do any of that." 

"Teresa, do you even realize how dangerous it is to be that drunk and asleep? If you don't know any of that you shouldn't even be drinking! I had to watch you so you didn't swallow your tongue, or choke on your own puke in your sleep." 

"okay I get it Calum, I already promised myself that I will never drink again." Teresa replied, getting up to go to the kitchen. Calum stood up with her. 

"If I ever catch you drinking again I will kill you and whoever gave you that drink." He said, getting really close to her face. Trying to be threatening.  

Teresa rolled her eyes and walked to the kitchen, texting Wes to tell him shes okay after he blew her phone up. 


Luke was laying in his bed, thinking back at what Teresa said. She called him cute. He didn't know his feelings for her. Of course he thought she was pretty, but he also knew she was younger. He cared for her a lot. But he doesn't know if its a crush kind of care, or a sibling like love kind of care. Either way, he knew he couldn't get too close to her, Calum likes to make it seem like he hates her, but deep down Luke knew he would kill anyone who goes near her

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