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It hasn't gotten better. Calum always makes fun of me and teases me in front of Luke. Sometimes Luke tries to make him stop, but most of the time he just laughs along then gives me a "sorry" look. I got into Calums car and sat down, in the back. He picked up all his friends and drove right past the school.

"Calum what are you doing the schools back there" I said frantically. He looked back at me and smirked. "What?" I said. This time Michael was also smirking at me.
"Luke why don't you tell Theresa what were doing" Calum said.

"We're skipping school and going to Ashton's." He said quietly and looked back out the window.

What! Calum knows how important school is to me. I can't skip, I will miss too much.

"Calum, I'm serious, turn the car around and take me to school"

"No, I'd rather not." He said pulling into a driveway" besides we're already here. They all got out of the car and walked up to Ashton's door. I decided to stay in the car because I am not going into that house. I got out my book and started to read it. Its actually relaxing, its hot and quiet in the car, it feels nice. As I was just getting to the part where the two girls start to fall in love when I see Calum walk out of the door. He immediately saw me alone in the car and rolled his eyes. He started walking towards me. He got to the car and opened the door.

"Come in Theresa don't be such a goody goody." He said, jerking his head towards the door. I sighed, getting out of the car and following him in the house. As soon as I got in Calum pulled me to a band room and sat me on a couch. Luke turned to me and smiled as they started to play a song. Its pretty good, it would be better if I knew what song it was.

Halfway through their third song I got bored so I went back out to the car to get my book that I left in there. I got back and they were all crowding around Calum, who was holding my phone. And reading my conversation with Wes to the boys.

"Luke is so cute Wes. I don't know what to do, every time I see him my heart hurts because I know I'll never have a chance with him. Anyway I'm too young for him, Mali told me." Calum said in the most high pitch voice ever, laughing with the boys, except for Luke, who looked uncomfortable.

"You asshole!" I scream, grabbing my phone from him and running to the car. I can feel the tears coming. I'm so embarrassed. I look up and see calum coming out to the car. I immediately locked it, I don't want to be anywhere near him. He looked at me and me and smirked in amusement, dangling his keys in front of his face and unlocking the door. He got in and sat next to me.

"Just take me to school." I said too embarrassed to even look up. He didn't say anything at first, he just put his hand on my.back and started to pat it. I looked up at him and scooted away. He sighed and got closer to me.

"Look Theresa, I'm sorry, I took it too far. I know I've been an asshole to you , but I don't know how to act, I've never had a little sister before. And I'm sure Mali told you that I've always wanted one. I'm so sorry that I've been so mean to you. Can we start over, I'll start treating you how Ashton treats Lauren. Instead of how Michael treats Luke." He said.

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