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I suck. I have no excuse and we all know it.. but I was talking to this boy recently (i went on my first date with him a couple years ago, fell in a hole and we didn't talk after that, until last month) and he totally left me on read for a whole month so fuuuuuuuckkkk meeeeeee. Shouldn't have fallen in that DAMN hole.

"You are 100 percent NOT doing that." Calum said, looking at my through the rear view mirror.

"Who are you to tell me." Teresa replied, getting angry.

Calum then went on a rant to Teresa, that she didn't listen to, about how he's in charge of her and he doesn't need to have a reason to say no and blah blah blah. She was just happy that they will now give up on her and Luke.

"I think it's great." Luke said, leaning over to Teresa. "Just be careful"

Teresa was kind of upset that Luke had that reaction, she kinda wanted him to be mad, like Calum. But I guess he really doesn't see her as anything other than his friends little step sister. 

Teresa nodded and went back to typing on her phone. Telling Wes that Calum blew up on her. But then saying that she of course was not going to listen to him and she was going to go on that date anyway.

'Just be careful with Calum" Wes texted her. 'I mean, I get where he's coming from, my little sister is only 3 years younger than us and I will kill any guy who talks to her'

'I get that but I barely know Calum, it's kind of weird to be honest." Teresa replied.

'He just cares Tess, it's annoying and frustrating but it's how it is.'

They continued to text until Teresa got back to her apartment. She walked to her room to charge her phone and look for something to wear to hang out with Steven. Wes had talked her into talking to Calum, getting all the bad blood out and trying to get him into saying yes to hanging out with Steven, even though she did not need his permission.

"Hey Calum?" Teresa said , walking into his room, "can we talk?"

He ushered her to sit down on his bed, the boys had already left.

"What do you want?" He said.

"Can we please just start over? No more fighting like we do?"

"Does it really bother you that bad?" Calum asked worried.

"Yes Calum, you are a dick!"

"I hadn't realized how bad it was, I thought it was just a bit of sibling teasing."

"You take it too far."

"I'm sorry Teresa. I didn't know that it hurt you this bad."

"It doesn't hurt me!" Teresa's Scorpio energy is coming out, don't let anyone know your emotions, "it's just annoying" (it actually did hurt her)

"Well I guess I will cool it." Calum said, "ill stop and tell the boys to stop too." He said, opening his arms to hug her.

"Thank you" Teresa said while hugging her step brother

"This doesn't mean you can go on that date" he joked.

"We will see about that." She replied while laughing.

She exited the room, on her way to text Wes about making up with Calum, for real this time.

"I'm being serious!" Calum shouted out to her.

"So am I!" She replied.

She called Wes to tell him the news.

"Hey one sec," Wes answered the phone. "It's Teresa I'm going upstairs!" She heard him scream out to his parents. "So did you guys talk?" He asked, as soon as he got back to the phone.

"Yes, he apologized, for real this time."

"I'm so happy for you Teresa! See I told you it would be a good idea."

"I know Wes, you're always right."

"By the way, my family is having a barbecue and wants you to come to meet them, will you be able to?" Wes asks.

"Of course!"

Wes and Teresa talked for another hour, about the date and the barbecue and Luke, until Teresa fell asleep.

Okay so I know I suck now but I'm attaching a picture of my cat to make up for it :)

Okay so I know I suck now but I'm attaching a picture of my cat to make up for it :)

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