Chapter 4

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Ross's POV

I like where this is going to go, Laura thought.

"Well unlike you I don't like where this is going to go."

"Get out of my head!"

"I can't help it!"

Oh Ross, she thought, what am I going to do with you?

"How about let me go?"


I groaned in frustration. I hated being pinned to the ground like this. Then I thought of something. I waited for her to loosen her grip some and when she did I pinned her to the ground.

"I shouldn't have loosened my grip," she said.

"But unfortunately for you you did loosen your grip."

"Kiss me!"

I tightened my grip a little. I wasn't about to cheat on my wife. I could never do that to Courtney especially at a time like this. I stayed perfectly still for a moment. Then I ran away at vampire speed. Laura wad chasing me. I could still feel her presence. She was very close. I tried running faster than I already was and ran into the woods weaving my way through the low hanging tree branches.

Get back here and kiss me! Laura thought.

I ignored her thought and continued to weave through the branches. I ran straight to a clearing and fell onto my knees when I finally reached it. I listened for footsteps. They were getting softer and softer fast. Then it was silent. Laura was gone. I was alone in the clearing.

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