Chapter 30

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Courtney's POV

Step four: ask to be executed.

I got off the plane as soon as it landed in Rome. I started thinking of other ways to get myself exacuted if just simply asking didn't work. I found an underground tunnel leading to my destination and down I went.

It was dark and damp in the tunnel. I could no longer feel cold easily but I guessed it was cold. As I walked I tripped on cobblestones about every few minutes. It was so hard to see.

I struck a match and kept going. The cobblestone tunnel led to a flight of stairs going down. I almost slipped on the first step but continued making my way. I eventually arrived at my destination.

The end of the tunnel led to a glass door. I could see that a light was on inside. I looked through the door at what looked like the lobby to an office building only fancier. The ceiling was high with candaliers hanging from it, the tables and counter tops were made of marble, and the couch and chairs were a fine eggshell white.

I slowly opened the door and walked inside. A receptionist called me over.

"I need to speak with the warlord," I said still taking in the beauty of the room.

"He's busy right now," the receptionist replied, "but you can have a seat on the couch while you wait."

"Okay. Thank you."

I slowly walked to the couch and sat down. It felt so comfortable even a vampire could fall asleep on it.

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