Emopter Twenty Four: Bloody Frustrations

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*peep peep peep*

And there I heard a loud sound of applying brake.

I opened my eyes and glance over it.

"ALHUMDULILAH! ! .. " I pronounce as I saw asad standing still.
Behind him was a yellow cab.
The tyres of that car were heated up and I can smell burning of rubber around.

I ran to him.

"Are you alright ?? " I said as I shake him

"Ermm ermm .. yeah!!" He managed to answer but still he was in shocked.

The yellow cab's driver comes out and starting apologizing to Asad.

Asad being a kindhearted man forgave him and he asked me to sit in his car by pointing towards the red car in his garage.

We both headed towards the car.
He was about to start engine as my ear heard a sweet voice of a little girl.

"Asad bhai (brother), you forget to take Dom with you!?"
I turned my head and saw Asad's little sister with Dom ( his pet dog).

" I am not gonaa sit with the dog in this car!" I yelled before Asad's approval for the dog.

" Dom is vegetarian. He will not eat you!" He smirked.

"Nope... I wont sit .! Either he is going or I" I muttered and he nodd.

" Sania, take Dom with you as your sister is afraid of Dom!" He smirked by teasing me.

From this Sania turned by saying goodbye and I turned to Asad.

"So where is he??" I asked him by picking the water bottle from the deck.

" I dont know where he is?" He replied and I almost chocked the water as I was drinking it.

"What.. you dont know where is Ryan!!! You called me and said you know where---" I yelled

"Listen!! I asked you to bring his belongings.. I hadnt said that I know where he is!!?? He groaned as he cut me off.

" okayy.. just focus on your mind and remember any place , he would go .. just go back jn your childhood dude!!" I looked at his face with my worried eyes and asked him.

"Emmm emmm..!! Place he would go!"
He answered while thinking.

Just then his phone started ringing but he disconnected and continues to think.

"Think Asad. . When you both fought.. when he is upset--" I forced him to think harder.

"Wait .. I think I know where he is!!" He groaned as he start the engine.

My eyes filled with hope that now I might find him.

Now I might found those answers which are roaming in my mind.

"Ohh my Allah!!..help us..!" I prayed as we headed forward.

"Ameen" he muttered.

After 20 minutes of driving
He turned around the street and parked the car.

" we used to come here.. when we were upset!" He said and I rushes out of the car.

His phone rang again and this time he does the same.

Hanged it up.

"Ryan.. ryan.. !! Where are you Ryan? ?" I shouted as I heades towards the dark area.

It was small street where graffiti covered all the walls around.
A dustbin was there which was filled with rubbish.
The street light was broken and it looks creepy.

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