Chapter 1

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I get out of the car with mom and dad. I slept in the car. I pull back my now frizzy red hair behind my ears.

I look at my new town.

My family moved to Kaysersberg, France. It is a small town and I love how it has a medieval feel to it.

The buildings look like they were from medieval times.

I see our house in front of us.

It is a small two story house with ivy growing on the side of the house. At the base of the ivy vines I see a bunch of yellow snap dragons growing. I pick a bunch and play around with it making them bite my finger.

I look around some more. The house is next to a small stream behind the street. Past the stream is a hill and at the top of it is a castle. Or, the ruins of it. It looks really cool.

I grab my backpack and I go inside the house. I already know which room is mine.

I go upstairs and put the backpack on my bed.

I go back downstairs to see mom talking with the movers.

My family moves a lot. We usually stay in one place for a few months. The most I've ever lived in a place was five months. We move a lot through dads work. So I never had the chance to make any friends.

"Thea! Come hear please." mom shouts to me in her half French accent.

"Coming." I say as I walk over to her.

"The rest of our things won't be here for a while. Why don't you go and explore." Mom says.

I smile.

With the snap dragons still in my hands I walk off.

I walk through the town looking at shop after shop.

I see flower shops, art shops, a small grocery store, and my favorite, a bike shop.

I look through the window of the shop and I see a bike I really like.

It is a women's bike with a white frame and beige and brown wheels with a leather seat and handles. It had a basket that can be taken off. But it is expensive.

It is 250 euro. Euro is French money.

"This bike is on sale." I hear a person behind me say.

"I'm just looking." I say.

"Wi, wi, my apologies." He says.

I smile and nod. I then walk away again.

I would like to check out the castle at the top of the hill. I walk to the outside of town.

The wide stream is in front of me.

Rocks are spread out across it. It is a stream but it is fairly deep.

I jump onto the closest rock. I jump onto the next. I jump on two more. The last place I need to jump to is the land.

I jump and reach it. The rocks were spread out pretty far so it was tuff.

I climb up the hill and around the vineyard that is on the hill side.

The ruins look like they've been turned into a museum. But an old abandoned one.

The railings that were put next to the stairs are rusty and look as if they will break at my touch. The signs are no longer legible and are falling off their posts. It was probably closed off a while ago. No one is allowed to go there I presume.

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