Chapter 6

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He is holding his hands tight in fists. He is in a really tight stance. He is frustrated.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in?" Lucas says in a way that really scares me.

I am too scared to answer.

"How did you get here?" Lucas says again in a much harsher tone and practically yelling.

"I-I don't know." I say quietly.

"How can you not know?" Lucas says yelling at me.

"Y-your scaring me." I say.

Lucas relaxes his hands and he is no longer tight. But one of his hands is still in a fist.

"Sorry." He says. It is still harsh but at least he apologized.

There is a long pause.

"I found the opening in the wall." I say.

Lucas looks surprised.


"I found the right brick to push. And I was curious." I say. I force a smile on my face to try to lighten the mood.

"How did you open the portal?"

"I don't know. My flashlight's light just seemed to leave and make a circle with a spiral in it. I just walked through it and I'm here." I say.

"Let me see it." Lucas says.

I hand him the flashlight.

He looks over it very carefully.

"Where did you get this?" Lucas says.

"I don't know. One of my relatives gave it to me when I was very young." I say.

He hands me back the flashlight. I hook the chain back onto my pants.

"What is this flame?" I say looking at my burnt hand.

"Did you get burned?" Lucas says.

"I guess. I didn't feel anything but my hand looks burned." I say.

Lucas grabs my hand.

I get startled at this. He is looking over it studying the burns.

He lets go.

"I need to work on my flame." Lucas says to himself. I manage to hear it.

"You made this?" I say.

Lucas looks down again.

"Yes." Lucas says.

"Sit down. I'm going to take the wall down." He says.

I sit down. Lucas holds up his fist and he opens up his hand. The flame disappears into it. The wind blows on me again. I get pushed a little but Lucas isn't affected at all.

Lucas holds up both hands and I see another blue flame come out of his hands.

The flame surrounds me and it becomes clear. I can't feel the wind anymore.

I look around. I still see a small breeze in the field but the wind isn't so bad anymore.

I stand up.

"That was amazing. Now where is here?" I say.

"It is hard to explain." Lucas says.

"Well then what is the name of this place?" I say.

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