Chapter 10

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I wake up to the sound of chirping birds. I yawn and sit up. A towel falls to my lap. I must have used it as a blanket.

I hear the crackling of a fire. I look around to see a small, light blue flame burning. Behind it is asleep Lucas.

I smile and get up. I see next to me is my clothes. I realize I'm still I'm the swimsuit. I laugh to myself.

I grab my clothes and I walk away behind a big rock.

I change as fast as I can into my normal clothes.

When I walk back, I see Lucas just waking up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. When he sees me he jumps startled.

I laugh to myself. He glares at me. I stop laughing but smile, to substitute for laughter.

I walk over to the lake and I cup my hands to get a drink. Ashley drank form the lake last night, so it must be safe.

I cup the water in my hands and the water is crystal clear. I drink it and it runs smoothly down my throat. I grab some more.

"Are you ready to go back to earth?" I hear Lucas say.

I turn around and wipe the water off my cheek. I nod my head. Today is Saturday and I will be glad to get home and relax.

We walk out of the forest and back up to the mountain. Clouds are blocking my view of the top.

We walk across the field and into the cave. Lucas opens the portal and waves me goodbye. Once I pass through the portal I turn on my flashlight.

The portal shuts itself closed behind me and the room closes as well. I leave the catacombs and I head for home.


I close the portal and the flame returns to my hand. I walk out of the cave and put out the flame.

Right as I walk out of the entrance to the cave, I hear something walking on the grass. Probably just a rabbit.

The footsteps follow me. I turn around to see Dad holding a syringe with a strange red orange liquid in it. He has an awful smile on his face.

Dad lunges for me and I grab his arms. Dad hooks the claws of his wings around my arms and tries to push my arms off of his.

It is a battle of strength.

Is Dad going to kill me?

My grip become lose, because of blood circulation. Dad pierces me with the syringe.

Dad takes it out of me and burns it up with his flame. He makes an evil laugh.

After a few seconds, a small pain runs through my body.

"What did you do?" I say.

"You will find out as we get closer to the full moon. It is only about a week away." Dad says.

The pain grows a bit stronger. I cringe.

I have to deal with the pain. I let myself fall to the ground though. If I am still, then the liquid will pass through slower, and I can see that if I'm still if it will hurt less.

Dad uses air to pounce me, and he uses the air to jump and fly off, beating his large wings as he goes.

What did he mean when he said closer to the full moon? Does he mean I'm going to die?

I slowly get up and I walk as far as I can to the castle. I only make it to the center of the field.

I make a flame in my hands and I put it up to my face. I blow through the flame and a very faint whistle comes out the other side.

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