Chapter 12

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After school I told Mom that I was going to Eleradan, she kept saying no but I told her I would bring back a ghost orchid.

I get up to the castle and I push out the brick portion of the wall to crawl through.

I hear footsteps. It isn't coming from the door of the catacombs. I hear then from up the stairs to my left.

I have never been up there yet so I walk over and check it out.

The stairs go up really high. Once I reach the top, I see that I am on top of the tower of the castle. I smile to myself.

I see someone else on this tower as well. To my surprise, it is Lucas.

"Hey." I say.

He turns around startled, and then somehow looks a little nervous seeing that it was me.

I sit down next to him.

"I actually just found out that my aunt is Gwen." I say.

He shows no signs of interest.

Next to me I see a small vine with a little white daisy on it.

"Hey Lucas." I say.


"Because I'm a fairy, did you know I can talk to plants?" I say.

Lucas gives me the smallest hint of a laugh.

"I'm serious. This daisy is actually saying something." I say.

Lucas looks away but I bet he is trying not to laugh.

I continue with the act and I bend down and put my ear near the flower. I make a few "mm's" and "ah's" to pretend I'm talking to it.

"You need to hear what it said." I say.

He is silent.

"It said, people may think you are bad, but you are actually a really good person."

Lucas turns around. He stares at me.

"You can't talk to flowers." He says.

"No, I can!" I say. I can't help but put a smile on my face.

"You liar!" Lucas says.

Now he is actually smiling!

"You are smiling!" I say.

His cheeks turn the slightest bit pink. My heart beats faster.

"No I wasn't!" he says.

The more he denies it, the more he blushes.

"I was being honest though. People think you are bad, when you're not." I say.

Lucas's cheeks are pink. I can't help but smile.

"Why are you always pushing people away? And why did you push me away earlier today?" I say.

"You don't have to worry." Lucas says.

"Why did you say I couldn't go to Eleradan today?"

He gets up and walks down the stairs of the tower. He flat out ignored my question. I want to go to Eleradan though.

I wait for Lucas to close the door to the catacombs, and then I go down the stairs.

I see the door to the catacombs, blocked with a gargoyle statue on top of it.

Did Lucas do that? Why?


I just blocked the doorway to the catacombs. I don't want her coming to Eleradan now.

I open the portal. My flame is small. The pain I'm in made me weak.

Before I enter the portal, I pause.

I have two pains right now. My pain is from the injection, and one which is hard to recognize. My heart is beating normal but my chest hurts.

I feel the same as I did, before I stayed with Thea at the lake. My chest hurt before I was about to leave. I think I know what this is, but I need to leave her here. This is not what is happening. I feel a little scared.

I step through the portal, and my chest hurts. I ignore that kind of pain. I don't know how long I will be able to ignore it.

I get out of the cave and I fall to the ground. The pain from the injection is growing stronger. My flame is also growing weak. I can't make the flame to call Asher or Ashley.

I push myself to get up. I don't have a lot of strength.

I manage to get up but after every few steps that I limp, I fall to the ground again.

After every time I fall, I try to call Asher and Ashley.

I feel a large breeze from above me. I look up to see a dragon flying above me. Man, am I lucky.

The dragon lands in front of me. He sniffs me, and finds the scent of the injection. He knows I can't walk well. He blows out a flame and it surrounds me. As the flame disappears, I am in my room in bed.

I hope the pain won't get any worse. It hurts really badly.

I see Ashley come in.

"I saw that dragon bring you here. I discovered something when I was looking for the spell Dad used on me." Ashley says.

She walks over and sits on the chair next to my bed.

"A page was torn out and I couldn't even smell the page that I was able to smell earlier." Ashley says.

"I bet your injection was to decrease your power." I say.

"I think so too. It was even a little hard for me to fly and breathe fire during training." Ashley says.

"You might want to tell Asher that." I say.

Ashley nods her head and leaves. After a small pause, I see Dad enter the room.

"Get away from me!" I say while using all my strength to sit up.

"I am just going to take you somewhere safe." Dad says.

I get scared.

Dad creates a flame and spirals it around me. I try to make flame of my own to defend myself from him but nothing came out of my palms.

The flame closes in on me, and then disappears.

I look around. I am in a locked cell. I can't be in the dungeons because they don't look like this.

Where am I?

It is dark but I can see with the torch that is lit next to my cell.

Why is Dad doing this? How long will I be down here?

I look around, trying to find a clue of where I am. I can see that the walls are different. The torches will burn longer. The bars of the cells are made of a different metal.

Will Asher and Ashley find me? Will they be worried? I probably made Thea worry.

I wince at a sudden hit of pain. I can get up to lay on the hard bed chained to the wall. I have to stay on the ground.

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