Chapter 2

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I wake up and I get dressed and I go downstairs.

Mom gave me breakfast. Bacon and eggs are on my plate. I don't know why she is being so fancy today but I don't care. The eggs look good.

"You know, there's a park around the outside edges of town. How about you go and have fun today. I will give you some money so you can buy your own lunch." Mom says.

"Why are you kicking me out of the house?" I say with my mouth full of eggs.

"You will find out soon. I am making a special dinner." Mom says.

I smile. Once I finish my breakfast, I go back upstairs and I grab my boots. My boots come up almost to my knee.

I brush my hair out and I grab a hair tie with me o I can pull it back if I need to.

I go back downstairs.

"Pull your hair back please. So people can see those green eyes of yours." Dad says.

"I like it down. But I will put it up if I need to." I say.

I walk out the door and I grab my bike. I took the basket off yesterday.

I ride my bike to the stream.

I put on my boots for a reason. I will walk my bike across the water. The boots I'm wearing aren't rain boots, but they can handle water.

I walk across the water. Luckily the water isn't very deep. I can feel the cold water through the special fabric of my boots.

I make it to the other side.

I put my bike behind a bush and I brush off some of the water off my boots.

I go up the hill again to the castle.

I go up the stone stairs and I look around again. I go upstairs as much as I can. I want to be able to see from up high.

All of the stairs I use just take me back down again. It is a bummer.

I continue to walk around the castle.

I feel like I am being watched again.

I go through a door to see a room with no exits except for the way I entered. There is one window with three bars. One is broken in half.

I am in the same room I was in yesterday.

Just as I am about to turn around I see a bit of white in the room.

I walk in. Sitting on the window is a small white flower.

It looks like an orchid but there is one long pedal at the bottom that splits into two parts that are quite long. There are two other pedals but they are normal small pointed pedals. The blossom is very small. It looks like it is maybe a little bigger than an inch. The stem is long and shows no signs of it having leaves.

It is beautiful.

I pick it up. I smell it and it has a fresh, clean soap like smell to it.

I put the small flower down and I tie my hair back in a braid. I put the flower in my hair so I won't have to hold it. I put my hair in a braid so it will stay in.

I walk out of the castle looking around for signs to see if someone was here.

I soon lose interest of searching and I walk out from the castle.

I get down the hill and I get my bike. I walk it across the stream and I get a bit of the water off my boots.

I get on my bike and I ride around town trying to find the park Mom was talking about.

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