Chapter 17

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I follow Dad through the portal I somehow opened. I look around and we are in the field between the mountain and the town.

The mountain has crumbled but is somehow rebuilding itself.

The town is surrounded with a clear barrier with an orchid glued to the side of it.

I see Dad shoot a fire ball at the barrier. He is trying to get in.

I get closer slowly to see Asher and Ashley trapped on the inside trying to get out.

I get to the side they are on.

I see their surprised look on their faces. The turn and see Dad. Their expression changes from surprise to fear.

I reach my hand out and my hand slides through the barrier with a slimy feeling. Right before I pull my hand back, Asher grabs it and pulls me in.

"How is it that only you and Thea can get through the barrier?" Asher says.

"Thea! Where is she?" I demand.

"She went to the dark forest to look for the fairy apprentice bird. It was our only chance of opening a portal to earth." Ashley says.

"I just came from earth!" I say.

"How did you get here anyway?" Asher says.

"I am able to breathe fire! The flame turned white and froze Dad. I used it several times, but then it opened a portal." I say.

"That was one of the ways that we couldn't open a portal!" Ashley says.


I get to earth and see that a few of the buildings are on fire.

I look around but I don't see Lucas or his Dad.

The bird sits on my shoulder.

Your friend and his father are back where we were now. They opened a portal at the same time we did.

The bird spoke while picking at its feathers.

"Can you open another portal back to Eleradan?" I say.

Yes. We will go where your friend will go. But first you need to make that protection shield again.

I nod my head in return.

I concentrate really hard. The tingling sensation in my hands returns. I slowly open my eyes to see the sparks forming together into a ball of light.

I hold my hands up and the light escapes my hands and explodes into sparks. The sparks form another clear ball around me. The sparks also surround the bird.

"By the way do you have a name?" I say.

I was a friend of the fairy Gwen. I was little and so was she. She named me Sparky. Now I will open that portal.

I nod my head.

The bird, or Sparky, holds out her wings and closes her tiny eyes. a little spark appears and stretches into a size that I can walk through.

I carefully walk through the portal.

Once I get through, I see that I am at the mirrored lake in the dark forest. I see the orange lightning bugs staying away from the barrier I made.

I hear the crunching of leaves and twigs in the distance. I think it could be Lucas coming.

I look around and I don't see anything.

I turn around to see another faceless monkey, with it's face already split.

It claws at my barrier. It hits it hard, trying to break through.

I get scared.

Hit after hit, it feels as if the monkey is actually hitting me.

Another hit. My barrier cracks. I jump, startled.

I sit down on the ground. Sparky is sitting on my shoulder and is leaning against my head. She must be scared too.

I place my hands in front of my face, preparing to protect myself.

Hit after hit, the barrier cracks and cracks.

I close my eyes.

"Why isn't the barrier holding?" I say to myself.

You are still a new fairy. Your power will grow. But right now, I am just as scared as you are.

I hear the shattering of what sounds like glass. I feel small shards hit me but they don't hurt. I hear the monkey scream its terrible cry.

I know it is jumping at me.

I curl up in my little ball.

There is silence. The monkey didn't reach me. But my barrier broke. How could the monkey or lightning bugs not have killed me yet?

I slowly open my eyes in a squint. I see a white flame surrounding me. I know it is a flame because the wall is rippling and flowing like a burning fire.

I don't see who or what could have made the flame. I don't think it was Sparky.

The flame slowly shrinks down to the ground, revealing that I'm no longer in the dark forest, but in the field in front of it.

I hear my heavy breathing from my fear. I also hear someone else.

I look up to see the silhouette of a half-blood dragon. Is is Asher? It can't be, he is behind the shield covering the town.

The person in front of me reaches out his hand.

"Thea, thank goodness you're okay!" The person in front of me says. I recognize his voice.


Lucas grabs my arms and pulls me up from the ground. He places one of his hands on my cheek while the other is gripping my arm and pulling me in.

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