Chapter 18

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I stand there trembling.

My face must be beet red.

Lucas is kissing me.

Lucas pulls away with his hands gripping onto my arms to keep my from going.

Lucas is blushing. He looks down instantly.


"Thea, you don't know what I have been doing since you were unconscious..."

"Why is this so hard to say..." Lucas mutters to himself.

"I... was protecting you... from my dad. You know that he is trying to take over earth. He was hurting you for no reason!" Lucas says.

He is nervous. I have to admit that I am too.

"I... was scared... Scared of losing you. I have never felt this way for anyone before."

Lucas wraps his arms around me and holds my tight.

"I... love you."

I don't know what to say right now. I am speechless. He gently lets go. He looks at me in a way that shows he was sad and scared. But he also looks a little confident.

"Where is your Dad?" I say.

"Trying to break the barrier you put over the town. You seem to have the same power as fairy Gwen had." Lucas says.

"Then let's try to stop him. If he gets to the castle, then would that give him any abilities?" I say.

"Maybe there is something in the castle he wants. Come on."

Lucas grabs my hand and he lifts me up into the air. I hold in tight. Lucas pulls me up so he can hold onto me better.

After a little bit of flying, we get to town. It is still covered by the barrier I somehow put up. Lucas's father is trying to break into the barrier. People in the town are screaming in fear.

I can only imagine what is going on now on earth.

Lucas sets me down on the ground. I am outside the barrier. I can see Asher and Ashley still inside it with the town.

"Want to do something fun?" Lucas says.

"Is it really the time?" I say.

"I did this earlier with your Mom." Lucas creates two spirals with little fireballs which make up the spiral. He also creates two sticks like baseball bats. He hands one to me.

Lucas smiles. He hits one of the balls. It shoots and it hits Lucas's father's back. He screams at this. He turns and sees what we are doing. He is pissed.

I smile and I hit some of the balls with Lucas.




More and more fireballs explode. This is fun!

Lucas's father tries to fly over here. But he is repelled by the fireballs.

Soon, we run out of ammo. Lucas flies over to his Dad and breathes fire! the flame is white and is almost freezes his Dad in place.

That is cool! Literally!

I run for Lucas and his Dad.

I might be able to do something to help. I see Sparky flying with me. Sparky is piercing through the air and flies straight for Lucas's Dad.

I manage to make a ball of light with my hands. I am amazed at this. I shoot it at Lucas's Dad. His wing gets damaged.

Lucas looks at me in surprise. I am surprised too.

"Make another one of those." Lucas says.

I do my best to make the same one. Once I make it, I shoot it at Lucas's father. It explodes and his wings are damaged. He can't fly anymore.

But this one must have been more powerful; because the barrier over the town is cracking. I see the orchid glued to the wall. It is peeling out.

I run to get the flower.

Once the flower falls, I catch it and I run as far away as possible. The barrier collapses. The sound of it is like shattered glass. Once it crashes down onto the ground, the pieces disappear.

Everyone in the town runs as far away into the field as possible. But they don't know where to go other than here.

Lucas's Dad runs into the town and into the castle. Lucas and I follow him.

When we enter the castle, we run past each hallway. Once we turn a corner, we lose him.

"No!" Lucas says.

I hear something outside. I look out the nearest window. I see something being made in the sky. Is it another portal?

"Dad must have gotten something that opened another portal." Lucas says.

Lucas leads me back outside of the castle and he flies up to the portal. Lucas's Dad uses something which repairs his wings. He flied through it just before Lucas did. I can't fly up to it, because I don't have wings. And I don't know where Sparky is now. I am a fairy with no wings.

I see Asher and Ashley helping the people from the town. Everyone is really freaked out.

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