Chapter 7

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I grab my book from my backpack. I am going to read at the castle again. Mom walks into my room.

"Hey. Your father and I have another doctor's appointment. One is for me and the other is your father's checkup. You will be alone tonight. No going to see friends. Stay here." Mom says.

"Okay. When are you leaving?" I say.

"In an hour. If you are going to ride your bike, be back before seven. We will be gone by the time you get back." Mom says.

"Okay." I say.

Mom leaves and I get out my phone. It is only five now. I text Riley that I can't make it.

She texts me a sad face.

I say sorry.

I put my phone away and I go downstairs to get my bike. I grab it and leave through the back.

I ride to the stream and I walk my bike across. I hide the bike and walk up to the castle.

One I get there I go to the same room as before.

There is another flower on the window. I pick it up confused.

I got these flowers in my locker today. Is the person leaving them here leaving them for me?

I sit down and open my book.

I hear footsteps. I close my book. I look over at the wall with the passage.

I see the first brick move. What a surprise. I quickly and quietly get to the wall and lean against it next to the opening. I have a feeling that it is Lucas.

I see the rest of the passage open up and Lucas comes through.


"Ahh!" Lucas shouts as he falls on his side, startled.

I am laughing so hard I can hardly keep my eyes open.

I look at Lucas and his face is red. He pushes me to the ground with one hand.

"What did you do that for?" he says.

"I thought you were coming through when I heard footsteps and I wanted to see if you get scared easily." I say.

"I don't get scared easily." Lucas snaps back at me.

I laugh some more, but not as hard.

"I could tell." I say.

I lean back against the wall and I calm down.

"What were you doing here?" Lucas says.

"It is quiet up here and it is a cool place to be. I like to read when I'm up here." I say.

"Why do you come to school in this world and not your home?" I say.

"...Better schools." Lucas says.

"What is the real reason?" I say.

There is a small pause.

"I had a really great friend here and I felt I could trust him with anything. He betrayed me. His father was a scientist and believed that my world was real. He was only friends with me so they could figure out how to get in." Lucas says.

I move over to where he is on the wall. I pat his shoulder.

He jumps a little at this.

"That must have been awful." I say.

Lucas looks down at the ground.

"If that happened a while ago then why do you come here now?" I say.

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