Chapter 16

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We've looked through countless books, searching for a way to open another portal.

Some books said that herbs found here and an herb found on earth will open one. But we have no way of getting to earth.

There was another way that said if a dragon half-blood could breathe a white flame as cold as ice, then it will open one. But Ashley can't even fly right now. And she says she can't breathe white fire.

There was one more as well that said I needed a feather from a called a fairy apprentice. This bird obviously doesn't exist in earth. The good news is that it says it lives in any area but likes to live in Eleradan.

The main reason it wants this bird, is because it is known for its shinny feathers that look like a rainbow of color, and for its ability to open and close portals on its own.

The bird is our only change of opening a portal.

We left the library and started to search through town. Once we left the castle, I looked out the barrier.

I can see the flower glued to part of the barrier, as it stands there, waves of light spread away from it every few seconds, causing my vision of the world beyond it to blur.

As I continue to look out of it, I can see rubble of the fallen mountain before me. This is what they meant by when the mountain collapsed. I thought they meant that the cave was blocked.

I see the rubble slowly moving back, back to where the mountain was originally. Each rock, boulder, and pebble, are all rolling back to where they were.

This is strange.

I get Ashley and Asher's attention and they see the same. If I'm correct, then the mountain might put itself together. And if it does, it would take a while, which would give Lucas's Dad on earth plenty of time to destroy it. We don't have the time for that.

"First, I think we need to find a way to take down the barrier." I say.

Ashley and Asher nod their heads in return and we walk up to the flower planted in the barrier.

They get there before me, as I am walking slowly as to not trip while I stare at the flower, as if my eyes were glued with it.

But, I do trip over a small stone. I fall and land right in front of Asher and Ashley. But not just in front of them, in front of Ashley and Asher on the other side of the barrier.

I get up not realizing that I'm on the other side of the barrier.

I look to see my vision of the rebuilding mountain much clearer. I turn around to see Ashley and Asher on the other side of the barrier, looking at me with wide eyes.

I reach out my hand to the barrier. My hand slides through with a cold slimy feeling and I pull it back only to see that it is completely dry.

Asher puts his hand out. He touches the barrier. He pushes on it and Ashley does the same. They can't get through.

I walk through feeling that slimy feeling again.

"Looks like you're on your own. I could bet it is in the enchanted forest." Ashley says.

"That would make it too easy to find. It might be in the dark forest. But I hope it isn't." Asher says.

"Well if you do go into the dark forest, you might get lost, if you don't know what it happening. The dark forest mirrors the enchanted forest. It is as if a big mirror was place between them." Ashley says.

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