Chapter 14

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I open my eyes; I am still in the cell. Still half asleep, I look around and I see that I am lying next to Lucas. I get surprised. Then the memory of last night comes back to me. Oh yeah, I forgot I stayed here.

I stay down. It is comfortable. I look slightly over at Lucas and he is breathing a better than he was before but he still looks in pain. He is asleep still.

I relax a little longer, until the ground starts to shake. Lucas jerks awake, and out of reflex, puts one arm around me, to protect me. I probably blushed.

"We have... to get out of... here!" Lucas does his best to say. He still looks like he is in a lot of pain.

Lucas lets go, and I get up. I help him onto his feet, but the shaking ground brings us both to the ground.

I start to crawl. I look over at Lucas. He is gasping in pain again.

"I thought the pedals helped." I say.

"They... didn't." Lucas says cringing in pain.

I go back over. The ground is still shaking. We get to our feet, and leaning on each other, we go as fast as we can to the front of the cave.

As the ground shakes, the walls and top of the cave start to collapse. Lucas can't go very fast so I try to pull him along.

We continue to walk and walk. A rock hits my shoulder but bounces off. It hurts but I'm okay.

The shaking makes sounds that sound as if the mountain is screaming itself. The grumbling and growling of the moving rocks; and likely the screeching of the rocks sliding together. It is a horrible and very frightening sound in my ears.

We walk up from the middle of the mountain to the area where I entered. Rocks block our path a few times but we get past.

We reach a dead end. We are still shaking.

"Are you able to open the portal?" I shout over the noise.

Lucas holds out his hand but drops it instantly not able to hold it up. I quickly unhook the flashlight from my jeans. My fingers refuse to listen to me, as my hands are shaking in fear.

I turn on the flashlight. The light doesn't go through the cracks in the wall at all. I get scared. I turn off the flashlight and turn it back on again. Still no effect.

Something warm and wet rolls down my cheeks. They are tears of fear. I look over at Lucas who is trying his best to get up even though he is already in so much pain. He looks up at me, and the same worried expression that is glued to my face, is on his.

I look back again. I turn on the flashlight and try again. The lights escapes my flashlight and seeps through the cracks. Yes!

The wall opens and I put Lucas's arm around my shoulder and get him on his feet. The ground is still shaking.

I pull him along outside the opening. I see the mouth of the cave. There is no sunlight. It is nighttime? Or is the clouds covering the sun? Nevertheless, we need to get out of here.

We get closer to the mouth of the cave. I see the wall behind me closing; but just before it is completely closed, falling rocks block the entrance. There is no way back.

Dried tears stain my face. I wipe them with my free hand.

Lucas falls to the ground. After I make sure he is okay, I go to the mouth of the cave. I stop in my tracks at the entrance. We are near the top of the mountain.

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