Chapter 20

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People shout out many different things. Each one makes me smile. After a few minutes, I see Lucas fly over here from the castle. He must have told Eleradan.

"That healing wave you sent out, it got to Eleradan too. The mountain is back, the town is fixed, and everyone is better!" Lucas says.

I see my friends from school come in.

"Man, it is a good thing that you left school that day. I supported you all the way." Riley says.

I am so happy right now.

Tears of joy start to fall from my face.

Lucas comes in and hugs me. Mom comes in next. Then Dad, then Riley, and then the rest of my friends.

I laugh as tears fall from my face.

Once they all pull away, I see Mom and Dad are crying as well as me.

"Lucas, who will take over Eleradan since your Dad is gone now?" I say.

"Lucas will."

I look over to the source of the voice. I see Asher and Ashley flying over to us.

"I don't think I can." Lucas says.

"Well, it isn't like you can go to school here anymore." Asher says.

"But... Eleradan originally belonged to Gwen." Lucas says.

"We will let you keep it." Mom says putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Plus, we need to stay here. Neither of us has magical abilities like you four do. And also, I believe that you would make a great king." Dad says.


"No buts. I will come visit as much as possible." I say.

Lucas smiles.

He comes over and hugs me. He uses his wings and covers us up from everyone. I blush.

"I will miss you." He says.

"I will too. But I will come, I promise." I say.

Lucas smiles at me.

He kisses me as if sealing the promise. I would have come regardless.

Lucas pulls away. He unwraps his wings.

"Now you can get to Eleradan without the flashlight." Ashley says.

"You are a fairy with no wings." Asher says joking around.

I laugh at this. I look around at everyone. At Mom and Dad. At my friends from both worlds. They are all surrounding me with happiness. It fills me with joy.

"Who knows? Maybe it is my turn to get my wings."

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