10: Apples In A Basket (And Blanket)

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Preparations for the journey ahead of them were quick and swift, mainly because the creepypastas really did only have five minutes to pull everything together.

Jeff engaged in a five-second debate with himself while weighing down his weaponry options. All of them were knives that looked identical. It made relatively little sense, but according to the killer himself, they all held different levels of sedimental value for him.

He sat on the cushy edge of his bed, holding one knife in each hand, weighing them both like newborn babies.

"Their handles have slightly different designs!" He snapped to the readers, which made him look even crazier than he already was.

Leaving the fourth wall thoroughly destroyed, Jeff went back to the intense and emotional turmoil of choosing between two knives that were practically indentical, with only a slight difference in handle curve.

This is looking past the painful fact that, no matter which one emerged victorious, he probably wouldn't even get a chance to use it.

Especially considering that he was forbidden from randomly killing people. It was going to be a fun trip, poor sarcasm intended.

Moving to another part of the mansion of noodles, BEN could be found in the kitchen. Like Jeff, he was locked in some serious choices.

It chalked down to deciding on which flavour of cup noodles to pack in the backpack. So far, he'd narrowed down the choice to creamy chicken or spicy chilli.

Now, naturally the creamy chicken would've been the best option because more likely than not, he'd be sharing his food with Jeff, who had an aversion towards hot foods.

Zalgo forbid if the chilli powder got blown into his eyes somehow...

Back to the topic at hand, BEN was already stuffing the chilli-flavoured cup noodles into his little backpack. How he was planning on making it without any hot water was a mystery that was best left not understood.

The Grinny-shaped clock ticked ominously overhead in Dark Link's room, counting down every second of his meaningless life as he ran around looking for his other boot.

Unbeknownst to him, Smile Dog was lying cozily underneath his bed, happily chewing it into itty-bitty shreds. He looked quite pleased with himself.

Darkness did eventually trace the source of those chewy noises and proceeded to give the troublesome husky a light whack on the rump.

Then he salvaged what remained of his boot while Smiley Pooch sat in a corner and sulked.

During his pitiful attempt to wear the thoroughly-munched-on boot, Dark Link scrolled through an internal list of tasks ahead. That's when he realized he had no idea where to start looking.

H-How am I supposed to investigate a "crime scene" if nobody knows where it is? Am I the only one who sees a problem here?

Everyone seemed to be having a dilemma, which is definitely a sign that creepypastas didn't work too well under pressure. Dark Link leant back against the bed board and breathed.

What can I do? I must obey and provide some kind of informational piece, especially if the others manage to find something.

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