39: The Swirly Apple Strikes Again!

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Suffering in the confinement of a jack-in-the-box for decades had taught Laughing Jack two things; claustrophobia, and an abundance of patience.

Lying in wait, he became all but invisible amongst the creeping shadows.

He initially had doubted the authenticity of Zalgo's words, but his demonic senses assured him that he'd wound up in the right room.

Of all the villainous pastas, who else but an ex-dentist would have half a dozen different types of dental floss sitting randomly on their nightstand?

A narrow window provided a solitary ray of illumination; a somber orange glow.

L.J got bored of sitting in the same place. So he quenched his thirst for distraction by snooping through everything in sight.

There wasn't much.

Nothing suspiciously locked, or any diary full of juicy secrets (unlike Slenderman's fifty-page Twilight rant about how Bella should've hooked up with Jacob).

In fact, Smirky barely had any possessions at all; most of the drawers were collecting dust and cobweb.

How disappointing. No potential blackmail.

The bookcase had a few books, so L.J sauntered his way over to that instead.

If he was going to play the waiting game, might as well waste time constructively.

Would anything on the shelf amuse him?

An encyclopaedia about spiders - nope.

A detailed study on drugs and poison – boring.

Something about teeth – nope times two.

A demonic bedtime storybook? ... Hmm.

L.J swiftly pulled the book with a flourish, bringing its cover under close scrutiny.

It featured a depiction of a gorged teddy bear in tears, crimson stuffing spilling out of deep gashes. Meh. Sally-aged stuff.

Does he seriously read this? It's for little kids! He mentally giggled.

A little slip of paper dislodged from between pages and fluttered to his feet.

Curious, L.J stooped down and picked it up.

Rooting around my belongings again, are you Kagekao? I'll know it now. Do yourself a favour and get the hell out. Don't look up. ;)

Of course, the first thing L.J did after reading the handwritten note, was tip his head back as far as it would go to ogle the ceiling.

It was an eerie sight.

Cobwebs. And these weren't just your regular, hasn't-been-cleaned-in-a-while gossamer. They were monstrous, terrifying, and clung like thick sheets of weaved wool.

What spider made those webs? Aragog?

As his achromatic eyes wandered further, he noticed a flash of ribbon tangled in the masses. It traced back to a small cardboard gift box.

Smirky has a weird taste in decoration. Was L.J's final conclusion.

Unbeknownst to him, the author's spy lemming and Houdini were both stowed away in that box, the latter scarfing down chocolate like there was no tomorrow.

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